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THIS HOUSE TERRIFIES ME – World’s Most HAUNTED House (30 East Drive)

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00:00 Inside 30 East Drive
04:29 Paranormal Activity
06:19 Previously
08:47 Scary Footage
13:16 We Didn’t Expect This
16:18 Interview With Bill Farrar
21:24 Interview With Bill Bungay
25:11 This House TERRIFIES Me
31:21 Lone Vigil
37:39 THANK YOU!
#haunted #paranormal #scary
THIS HOUSE TERRIFIES ME – World’s Most HAUNTED House (30 East Drive)

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  1. This place isn’t the most haunted house in England and nor is ancient ram inn, both are for money, the Enfield poltergeist may have been real, since there re witnesses, apparently to this, somewhat maybe more credible, although how credible remains to be seen, both houses have reputations as being the worlds most spiritually active or most haunted houses, loads of groups have been to these places, ancient ram has nine to twelve plus maybe ghosts right and se real demons haunting one room, and hardly anything happens in the bishops room at all, no presence there at all, same as 30 east drive really, groups go there, catch one odd thing that is a bit of a head scratcher, maybe but otherwise it’s usually bangs and mild noises, nothing which meets the stories or legends though, none of the ghost stories meet to par, it hasn’t been substantiated on camera at all,

  2. Without a brain, eyes, ears etc the bodily techs that allow us to see and feel and communicate, how can spirits be aware to let you know they are there? Love to know your thoughts and yes I have had my own Ghostly/Spirit experiences.

  3. Whenever stuff happens, it always ends abruptly once you focus on it. It might be easy to say for me, when at the moment it happens it's obviously fascinating and all.. but maybe put a pin in it for later, and carry on and see if it keeps trying to get your attention again? It just feels like when it does get the attention it wants, it just quits all together. And I see this happening to other investigators as well, it's like a common trait with these sort of things.
    It seems to have a higher chance of occuring whenever the people at the scene are talking amongst themselves, and not constantly asking for a tap or something like that.

  4. I can't believe people were saying that a stick was touching the camera. You could hear whatever it was breathing, and it wasn't any of you. It didn't know what the camera was. It was discovering it. hahahah. I just showed "the son" and he said he saw something approach the camera to poke and explore, but he almost crapped himself when he saw what pushed Griff. He said it was so fast coming and going he said it was "a blur". I wonder if it was curious about Griff's apnoea machine? (Assuming that's what it is). These are awesome. Thanks, dudes!

  5. I remember hearing things happen when you're ignoring the ghosts or spirits there. They might of been feeling ignored when the blonde girl mentioned her temperature changing and menopausal and the bang happened.

  6. My 60th Birthday on the night you did this investigation. Obviously I love Halloween but this video has added to it I'm gutted that I didn't see it LIVE. Stay safe my friends, I'm a new subscriber and looking forward to seeing more of your investigations.

  7. Have you ever turned all the cameras off and told the spirits that all the cameras are off and then see if anything happens? Obviously you're not going to catch it on camera but just to see for yourselves. As I always think they are aware of the cameras may put them off doing anything.

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