Ouija Brothers Are Hilarious – The Hanging Ghost Photo Debunk – Reading Your Comments Good Or Bad

Day 4 of a Video a Day for One Week. Part 2 of the comments, good or bad, hope you enjoy 🙂
#ouijabrothers #worldofmrgrey #paranormal
Ouija Brothers – Go Support Them – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMeEI-JSeuQ&t=588s
True Crime – William Heirens – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDYlziVNtHU
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Acid Trumpet by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song…
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Royal Banana by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4309-royal-banana
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Onion Capers by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4679-onion-capers
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
I agree with the person who said not to include things you don't want to talk about. I'm new here, and it has been annoying that most of the videos I click on are just you saying "I don't want to do this…I don't want to do this…I don't want to do this…" It makes me think, why are you in this genre if you don't want to do it? I've been looking for channels that do what John Wolfe does, and so far you're the closest I've found, but mostly you just record yourself refusing to do anything. It makes you look lazy and uninterested in this genre, and it makes me frustrated.
It's been two years now. What were the surprises?
Did you know that the queens chamber didn't work so they had to increase the size of the great pyramid. That's why the 2 shafts leading out of the queens chamber don't reach the outer wall of the pyramid like the ones coming out of the King's Chamber. The King's Chamber was designed to melt granite inside of it to fill molds of ornate pots and statues. The 2 shafts going into the chamber was designed to slide airtight stones down then to increase the pressure inside the chamber to replicate the pressures found deep under earth where granite forms naturally when magma cools into Granite.
I hope you got a tickle out of my wacky comment.
I loved Prisoner Cell Block H! Queen Bea and Vinegar Tits! 😂
I like your integrity, choosing not to debunk Lainey and Ben while she's pregnant. Nicely done
Ste and griff are legends, they are the very few real investigators out ther.
Your facial expressions are the best part of the whole video
Just subscribed to Ouija brothers on your recommendation. Hoping good as over 3 years can’t say I have found a channel that isn’t over the top BS! The top 5’s mostly good for a chuckle, personally I don’t find them scary. Glad I found your channel, love how you explain the bollocks as I knew the clips are fake, but didn’t know how they did it. Learning about editing from you, much appreciated.
Check out MrBallen as his format is amazing for storytelling. I think you’ve a great platform to add some of these style videos – or maybe a second MrGrey Stories channel
It's cheering to know to have a great sense of justice and fairness.
My mum and dad and I went for a tour through the Old Melbourne Gaol, closed for a hundred years or so. Turned out a poor Italian man was hanged for no reason there in about 1900, simply because he could not speak any English, and the Police needed someone to pin a murder on. I'll never forget the story. This dear man in his 50s, dragged through the judicial system till he stood on the indoor gallows, still unable to give any last words.
Any way. My favourite videos are funny dog videos too, but my extra favourites are interspecies friendships videos, as in doggoes and caddies, horses and dogs, any animals who have what do you call them… emotional support other animals with them. They are beautiful. Orang-utans and kittens… they are all innocent and perfect 🥰 💞 👌!
Don't all channels cherry pick stuff? It would be impossible to cover every video even if you lived to be a hundred years old. I guess you're close to 100 already dan and wouldn't possibly be able to cover 1 per cent of the rubbish out there.
Well said bro keep rocking 👏
Thanks for giving The Ouija Brothers a shout out Dan. I've followed them for years, I know they're genuine. If you get a chance to go with them…even to East Drive, jump at the offer 🙂 Diolch.
You keep doing you. You can never please everyone so don't worry about being told you're cherry picking. Unless you change format completely you have a long viewer here
Bea Smith and her Nemesis, Vinegar Tits. "On the inside the roses grow" 😂😂🤣✌🏾🍻
If your channel ever starts showing bitcoin commercials…..>.> The first commercial was bitcoin. Wave if you're OK! Do you need help?!
Congrats Mr G for sticking to your vid a day ….smashed it 🥰
A channel named boo review debunked the Indonesian video like 3 years ago
Ramble on my brother, i love coming to your channel and seeing your sarcasm and joking its just like me tho my jokes are taken wrong at times, but i honestly love and respect how you like and comment on all the comments you can you honestly make me feel like we know you personally and are friends, really makes us like you so much more, i say we I’m speaking for all us watching but i guess i can only speak for me, i actually enjoy just watching you ramble on about whatever its like visiting an old friend so keep it up brother, thanks for taking the time 👍
Hi Dan. An Aussie here to answer your question. Yes, Neighbours and Home and Away are still the two popular Australian 'soapies' here in Aus – still going strong after all these years and still giving people overseas a pretty skewed idea of how Australians really live (and speak!).
Stay safe :).
Now You're really showing your age and mine as I know the shows you are talking about
What do you think of twin paranormal and paranormal nightmares channels because there about the only one's i kind of believe?
When you know it's Fake, you just know… You know???
Ouija brother are the real deal plus they are very entertaining to watch . One of only a few ghost hunting channel I watch . .
Imagine how stressful it will be for Lainey and Ben to bring an infant into a haunted house….I hope they’ll all be ok /s
Don’t you dare hold back if they start using the poor baby as a prop in their videos.
I love the idiots who think the number of subs hold some kind of weight. Andrew Rea aka Binging with Babish has 9M subs while J. Kenji Lopez-Alt has 1M subs. Kenji has more culinary knowledge and skill in his little finger than Andrew Rea. Andrew regularly uses Kenji’s recipes and techniques and gives proper credit. TL;DR – sub counts mean jack shite.
It's the living that I'm more worried about, the fact they change their minds more than their undies I'd actually trade seeing people to seeing the paranormal instead.
i watch ocean conservation namibia to start my day right.
Love this channel because there no ghosts in this world and when we die that’s it we go to heaven or hell and that’s the truth so to everyone on YouTube stop Whatch these liering ghosts videos because all ur doing is makeing liers money and there laughing 😂 at yous . So let’s all get together and delete them please ASAP thanks 🙏 you because this world is messed up because off liers and the governments the biggest liers who rob are taxpayers money 💴!!!!!!
You know, I hate to say it, but your frequent laughing is kind of annoying. But not enough to make me unsubscribe. 🙂
Yeah Ouija Brothers there awesome, I've never been bored nor questioned there content.
Hello Mr. Dan..😙
Hey Dan. Interesting to hear your thoughts about Lainey and Ben. I appreciate your view, you are being kind. I watch their channel and they are mostly very kind as well. But they declare often, and earnestly, that the haunting videos are real, when some are so obviously not real. And why should anyone doing that, get a free pass on at least some scrutiny of their videos? A debunking does not have to be unkind…just practical If they are trying to dupe the audience, for profit, then they should take a little heat.
I enjoy watching your videos Dan and wished I had subscribed much sooner than I did! Thanks to you, I no longer watch or follow different paranormal groups due to their fakeness. Have unsubscribed from several and still can't believe how fooled I was by some of them! There have to be other paranormals groups that are worth watching and are actually legit. Do you have any recommendations on whom to check out? I did subscribe to Ouija Brothers thanks to your input. I also like the videos just how you edit them, as I like seeing your raw reactions to them. Keep up the awesome work and thank you for the effort you put into making your videos. 🙂
Don't edit your videos, I enjoy watching them the way they are. Keep up the good work debunking the bollocks
I don’t want you to edit out anything .
Really enjoyed your show this morning starting to get into the world of Mr Grey and also liking The Shape well done for the comment review.
Neighbours and Home and Away are sooooooooo lame!!!! They have been moved from our main channels 10 and 9 to 10 peach and 7
ok so I just realized that I mixed up your Angry character there in the background, which btw is nicely lit with blue, with a character we had in Australian kids afternoon show his name was Agro they look very similar. Our Agro was very lude with adult jokes at a kids TV hour and he would tease the female host by grabbing her leg or what ever else he could do to get a rise out of her as she would then have to try to lead the kids away that there was an actual human handling the Puppet…. we weren't stupid lol
Have you checked out Lainey and Ben? they seem very genuine people, kinda hope they are legit.
About the sub count thing, Fred used to have over a million subs, so does that mean his opinions carry more weight?
Thanks for reading my comment, Dandalf. BTW it's pronounced "Joo-lil-ah" or Julia if you want. Anyway, I made the comment because I think the cultural bias is there, lots of the videos of these zangbetos mention "voodoo" which is of course primes a Western viewer to bring up all sorts of scary movie nonsense which has nothing to do with the actual Voudon religion. I just find that stuff very annoying. If another culture is involved, it's worth trying to get a sense of what is going on since the paranormal channels won't do that.