THESE GLOVES ARE INSANE!!! – Pure AMMO Witchhunter – Build Update! – Path of Exile 2 EA

Get em while they are hot!!
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Build Guide 1:
Build Guide 2:
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#pathofexile #gaming #mageblood #pathofexile2 #witchhunter #mercenary
00:00 Intro/BIS GLOVES/New Gear
03:16 Passive tree
06:26 Gems
08:50 Map
How did you slot persistence and inspiration into the cast on shock gem?? It’s telling me this support can’t be slotted into this skill. What am I doing wrong??
Any suggestions on what to do when the electrocute build up is painfully slow? Your HVR does 10 percent per click whilst mine does 2~3 percent, sometimes 5 on bosses. This makes build up very slow and painful. Level 68, 86-294 phys damage on my bow.
Can you please explain why you take armor/evasion skills over projectile damage in your skill tree? I love this build but wouldn't projectile damage give you more dps? Your way is more survivability no? I'm no theorycrafter at all, just asking for my own education. thanks.
Where can I farm those Gloves? thanks
I was lucky and got the 5 link skill. What other supports would you suggest?
Pretty good for spark too until you want to build es or mana more. Dropped these in acts and used them for a while
Hello friend, how are you? Will you update this guide? I see in the link that it is not the same as in this video.
Thank you so much for your guide, of course I had to spend money to make respec, but I started to enjoy playing on a mercenary, because I also don't like delayed damage and spam grenades, I didn't quite understand what kind of gloves they were and I can't find them on the trade
Does crossbow shot skill and all the support gems in it globally apply to all skills, as all crossbow skills are bolts loaded bcoz of it?
what do we get for the Den of Snakes Reward? stun threshold?
Im so confused. Electrocute doesnt stun, and Conductivity is elemental skill req 133 int… What the actual fuk…
I've been following along with your build, progressing into maps now, feeling AMAZING. Crazy defense with the electrocution gloves etc. I wake up and refresh your guide page to see the changes in real time, BIG thanks for keeping that up to date daily, cheers. One question, I just set up Cast on Shock curse, it doesn't seem to proc very often? I'm probably missing something.
I have the unique crossbow have you tried it or do you like it? It’s fun you get like 15 shots on the armor piercing rounds
have you tried plasma rounds?
any ideas where to get the low level spirit gems?, seems like GGG just missed another thing and there is no way to get the low level gems when u are progressed through the game, but a lot of gems are just have useless level bonuses but high requirements
i wanna make a pathfinder version of this
mostly cuz i have a pathfinder stranded mid act 2 and already have a mercenary but he's gemling melee and i am getting a bit tired of him but i also dont wanna level up another merc
plus there're already enough witchhunters out there
i'd probably just go with the flask nodes from pathfinder and can get some solid during flask effect nodes
obviously for defense this would just be evasion + movment speed for easier dodging and overcharged flasks
Nice buildup dude. I think my build is lil bit stronger, cause i combined that with elemental crit chance, on the bottom right of the skill tree
Level 70 and using this build on endgame, working very well so far! Thx for the videos
how do you get so much int thats reqd for this build?
I am using the Lightning Rod ability and have added a bow on my Mercenary to use with the Shards, chains everything like just on act 2 no clue how this will work with endgame, but so far, it feels amazing and it's kind of cool adding a bow to swap to.
how u guys can put double barrel on high velocity skill? i have no option to do this.. only on a few other skills i can put that.
Hello kind sir, I’m trying to socket support gems into the cast on shock but the game says none of them are supported. Just wanted to bring that to your attention. Love the simplicity of the build and beginning to hit a wall
can't build the gloves, everyone i send msg want to charge extra loool
is this a good build for act 3 final boss? I'm trying with nade and can't kill him
What would you put as a 4th-5th support for Galvanic Shards? I still use High Velocity to finish some nasty rares, so some usufull ones are there… That 1 use limit is killing me.
This build save me day.. Ty.
Why is the Build Link not Working ?
Why not spec’ing into crit chance and crit damage near the crossbow pattern in your passive tree?
Hi! I have a grenade build but I don't really like the gameplay. I'm level 35 and I chose the other anscendancy… can I still try your full ammo build?
Any idea why my Merc skills say LOAD before the name and yours do not. Like for example Load Galvanic Shards, yours in the menu just says Galvanic Shards. Thanks
do you take int on the +5 skill nodes? bc i dont have enough for conductivity
I'm running a very similar build, im thinking about running a trinity though, the general element boost is really good. Only grenade i'm using is oil to combo with rapid fire for bossing
Using the same build but cant beat act 2 endboss. What should i do
Anyone who is stuck at Act 2 boss: you need a good crossbow. Give priority to flat damage increase, even if it is white. Then you have to upgrade it by crafting, if you have all the orbs then good, use them on it, use two artificer's orb, and in both slots put iron rune which increases your physical damage to 40%. if you do not have the crafting items then wear all the loot rarity increase items and go to the vaults/underground shrine in Keth. Farm the map a few times until Azarian and by then you should have all you need.
Then for the boss fight, lightning res to 50+ percent is recommended. but more important is to have a boot which allows movement +20 percent. this allows you to kite his attacks quicker than dodge rolling. Also put corrosion support gem with gas grenade which will lower the armor, use magnified effects on that also. Then use your high velocity rounds. if you have a good bow with high physical damage, you'll be surprised by how fast his hp pool melts.
Build looks fun as man, was doing grenades but I hate waiting for them to explode not my style, going to save up my gold and respec into this! Thanks heaps man
I’m a new arpg player i also use the galv shards, I’m going to copy ur build sir thank you
tyty twas looking for a nice pure crossbow build i didnt know that I need to take two hand node thank you so much for this
Where do you trade items?
Which ability makes enemies explode on death?
Cool, thanks alot. I am a PoE Noob – how do one trade best? Cheers
could u make a lootfilter for that build?
shockburst rounds + elecrocyte or shock is insane single target dps. try it out
got a ridiculous unique x-bow on my witch. Can't wait to try it with this
Hey @Bigdaddy – i like your content very much and i'm glad to see how you progress. I'm playing too and our Builds are kinda similar, but also different. Very intersting. My Build is more build around Grenades. Our Damage is similar too, but your damage comes first (Galvanic Shards). Your Single Target Damage is pretty good, tbh, but mine is higher. On the other Hand my Ramp-Up time is higher duo to fuse time.
Overall i to lightning Damge to, but use fire Damge (Explosive Grenades) for big boy enemys. My downside is the "small" window to damage them effectivly, duo to fuse time. I'm using Flash 'nades to create this time, in combination with a initial electrocute stun.
You skilled more into dmg but i'm a more tanky. Very cool to see how people play with their own Builds right now.
i would like to talk to you and theory-craft a couple of things, in terms of "early" mapping and kinda real endgame, just to have a very solid plan and to help our communitys.
u try whit crit ?
How to dicresase galvanic shard reload speed. Mine one is very high, it takes long time to reload after 5 click.