WHC Is The Best Class In The Game | Witch Hunter Captain Build Guide Vermintide 2

Witch Hunter Captain guide for Vermintide 2. More content on the way
Intro 0:00
Melee Weapons & Combos 0:39
Ranged Weapons 7:37
Talents 9:45
Strategy 12:50
Subscribe! 17:00
Rapier alt fire counts as a ranged attack (I only know this because it counts as a ranged crit for bounty hunter's guaranteed ranged crit every 15 seconds; This also triggers swift slaying).
Oke now i get what i was doing wrong trying this class with billhook on cata chaos wastes. I like the class but i do am botherd by the lack of defence he has in his talents
Thank you so much for all the advice and build info! I love Vermintide 2 but I don't understand a lot of things in the game so this is such a big help! Thanks!
no ironbreaker is the best in the game.
Rapiers have cutting edges, they are just very narrow and light
I rebound my "tag only" to left mouse button. Every attack, I tag what I'm attacking.
Where does that red coat skin come from?
noice thx
Maybe it’s just my skill level but I love my BH
How many space marines does it take to kill victor saltzpyre
huh? Did they patch out Axe and Falchion? Can't find it in my weapons list.
The "best"
We believe))
Top damage
Top tanking
Top top top
You lame dude.
Thought it was slept on, fell deeply for salt just bc of his skill voice lines
i rly dont understand how you can play with dodge screen shake wobble.
Barrage on pistol
Something I recommend (and I know I’m a few months late here) is to add M1 and M2 to your tag only binds.
You press M1 and M2 all the time to attack, aim and block anyway, you’ll tag stuff on accident all the time. Additionally, every time you aim at or attack an enemy you’ll tag them, making sure you get your passive bonus.
Like with tag on M1 every time you try to heavy attack with the rapier you’re tagging the guy you’re aiming at before the attack connects and you get the bonus.
I’m pretty surprised I’ve never heard anyone else do this!
If you need time to think and breathing room, spamming the rapier’s special whilst holding block means every block counts as a parry so you won’t lose stamina as fast.
yes its best to spam heavy and the drrag heavy is rly good for hords. and best to play for death kneel and you can give around 200 dmg like nothing. i am 300+ lvl saltz and can aprove to a lot of things
Best career is Warrior Priest.
Can i bind my tag to a scroll And is it a good idea ?
and best voice lines
No need to explain, it's Saltzpyre
I like how basically every class has at least one video explaining why it is the best class.
This game is just an all around well balanced experience.
where can I see the weapon stats like you do? Is this a mod ?
is power vs monsters worthed on crossbow?
Whats a weapon special and how do you do it
What's that weapon Illusion?
I like bringing always prepared and deathknell. Don't get me wrong the bill hook is great for killing bosses but if you can empty three full vollys of pistol ammo into the bosses head you melt them.
I think it's BECAUSE it's Saltzpyre's default class that makes it one of the best and most versatile class of his. FS made sure all of the default classes (or tried to) are versatile and good enough so players won't get screwed if they can't play a certain way well enough. Imagine if Kerillian's base class was Shade instead, can you imagine how much new players would hate playing as and with her?
Look at Ranger, by far some of the best utilities in the game such as ammo generation, item generation, stealth, knock back, great damage, etc. Bright Wizard is still the strongest class on Sienna even after her DLC class released. Mercenary comes with THP generation, knock back, damage reduction, buffs, etc. And Waywatcher is the only one that can be argued isn't Kerillian's best class, but it does come with the easiest Special-deleting ability in the game and inexplicably a passive built in healing, it was definitely designed with new players in mind.
I actually have my "tag only" button set to mouse1. Yep, that's right. I'm so lazy and sweaty I changed it to left click. Yep, it does count when you are shooting your crossbow, the tag will hit before the arrow does so you're always adding witchhunter's 20% damage bonus to specials/elites.
Its so bitchin. Dont know if its the best class. Sienna battle mage with couruscation is broken
I'm watching your video about DPS, but nowhere in any game if you talk about DPS will it always be Mage first, then anything can come, but the class you present will never have more DPS than the mage!
I started playing now, isn't the magician good?, doesn't she have damage?
After push attack I instantly stab with light wtf? What Am I doing wrong
You forget to mention the necklacce and trinkets properties and traits:?
I will never understand why people claim 'x class is the best' when Unchained is in my eyes SSS tier. She does everything WHC does but faster, stronger, and better.
Grail Knight: ''Get one shot, Peasant"
I use numbers for weapon swap so my tag is bound to Scroll Up which works well. You just scroll up and pan around and it tags whatever you hover
If you run Parry on the Rapier, hold block and spam your weapon special every blocked hit will proc the parry. Good for if you get cornered/ overwhelmed