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THE HAUNTED GARNETT HOUSE | A Paranormal Nightmare | (SCARY Paranormal Investigation)

Step into the shadows with ParanormalXP as we investigate the infamous Garnett House in Garnett, Kansas. Cloaked in mystery and steeped in a dark, unsettling history, this house is a haven for poltergeist activity. Its oppressive energy seeps into every corner, leaving behind an inescapable sense of dread.

From a photography studio to a schoolhouse, a shelter for homeless children, and even a jail for criminals awaiting trial, the Garnett House has worn many faces. Once rumoured to be a brothel and later transformed into a doctor’s office, its storied past continues to raise unsettling questions to this day.

Watch as we investigate the one location that left us truly shaken to our core. What did we encounter that night when Sheri was left alone in the house? Was it The Grinner—a towering, sinister figure with a grotesque grin stretching from ear to ear, said to haunt the parlour? Or was it the lingering presence of John Warren, the man accused and executed for the murder of Adelaine Duren? Does his restless spirit still linger in the attic, waiting to be discovered? The truth is more chilling than you can imagine. Prepare yourself for the answers.

Livestream footage credit to Garnett House Owner, Justin Spurrier. You can watch livestreams of the house on Spirit Realm Network!



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  1. gabrielle is gods messenger…(thanks google) and he/she/they/them shared that archangels are there around you all. so thats a blessing!! sorry rhonda, but oddly i feel ed thinks hes your saviour too, hes bad enough to scare off the other "evil" in the places you go, like hes a self appointed protector/guardian. maybe research him too? and i think he tries to warn you/tell you stuff, but your other spirit guides/family etc dont like the attachment? you guys are such a good team, family bonds keep you safer and stronger in this world. and you only need to ask for your love n light guides/protecters/healers etc and you will be spiritually safe.

  2. It's official,, I have a crush on Paige and Terra!! 😂 I'm glad I found out about Paranormal XP. Love your channel. I hope 2025 brings your sub rider numbers increase. It's cool you are from Canada because I've watched episodes you filmed there. Awesome ! Looking forward to seeing more episodes. ❤much love and respect

  3. So you didn’t get footage of the shadow walking towards the house? Damn. That would have rocked. 😊 Oh well. Great investigation guys!! I’m glad YouTube put this in my recommended or I might have missed it! Awesome evidence. You guys are awesome! Stay safe. ✌🏻👻

  4. If you're going to keep replaying what you say are voices, you really need to learn how to isolate the sound. All you could hear was a buzzing sound except for 1, which you can barely hear what could be a voice. Also, you seem a little entitled when you go into a house and keep asking a spirit to communicate and then try to dictate in a very entitled way what words they can use.

  5. That is NOT a human skeleton. Humans have a total of 24 ribs. 12 on the front and 12 on the back, six to a side L/R. Just Sayin'. That thing has 20 on the back side connected the spine. Too many to be human. Just sayin' ladies.

  6. Just want to ask can any of you see things that no one else can? Shadows, spirits or even things that don't belong here? I would love to be able to have a third eye but I'm leaning towards thinking it's something that you are born with?

  7. Ok I'm only at the intro but I already have to say, the mic you're using sounds great. Your timing telling the story is so effective. I love the spaces in between your phrases; it gives you time to process what you're saying and catch the vibe of the video. Nice work!

  8. Thats great guys. Your content is always waited with anticipation. Sorry about the other account. I got a new tablet and havnt set it up yet. It's a slow process when I'm not computer savvy

  9. Hi everyone. It was a real pleasure seeing you all again, I love that you do these invitations as a family. This place is for sure a favourite with the amount of activity y9u get. I hope you all had a good Christmas and a happy new year? I send you all my love and hope your new year is a prosperous one ❤

  10. Just subscribed. I guess the feeling i got just watching this house wasnt wrong. I didnt think it was. You guys did great. So interesting you all witnessed that shadow person and how clear you said it was, thats pretty amazing. 😊👻👻👻💕👻👻👻✨✨✨🌜🌚🌛✨✨✨

  11. Many who unalive others are known to return to the spot to relive that thrill. Maybe this is what’s happening. He smiles because he’s very happy with what he’s done. I came up with this when listening to you all talk at the end. Excellent video 🎉❤

  12. This is the first time I’ve watched you. I don’t understand why you say people don’t pray. A lot of people still pray maybe your generation doesn’t pray or your family doesn’t pray but all of mine pray. I don’t think I will watch your channel again. It wasn’t all that good anyway.

  13. I have been patiently waiting for y'all to post again! You guys are one of my favorite teams to watch! I've missed you guys!
    I would have probably had to leave after seeing that thing walk up to the house. The fact that 4 of you saw it…..😮

  14. I recently became a member of your channel. I absolutely love your videos! I have seen them all. You guys are truly talented and brave. What a rush you must get from visiting these intriging places! Can't wait for Villisca and Paige's alone challenge lol!!

  15. Absolutely chilling! The history of the Garnett House adds such an eerie depth to this investigation. The Grinner sounds like pure nightmare fuel, and Sheri being left alone—what a brave move! The layers of this place, from its days as a brothel to a doctor’s office, make it feel like the spirits have so many stories to tell. Can’t wait to see what you uncovered. Amazing work, ParanormalXP! 👻🏚 #ParanormalInvestigation #HauntedGarnettHouse

  16. Happy 2025 and welcome back ❤ sorry I missed it with all of you but I did watch it what a great Investigation and location and being with the GCP fam! I seen Jade and Mandy go here a few times the place is crazy. Now I want to say to You and Terra you both are crazy 🤣 but Super Brave on your challenge I can't wait it's nice to see all of you back cheers 🍾

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