Scary Comp. V98

Blanket because I’m cold? No. Blanket because I’m scared
Got any scary videos? Send them over to
Please try to give some context or background info along with your submission. Thanks
Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License……
CO.AG Music:…
Shiver me tibber
We claim no negative energy from this video.
One time i rememberthe whole family went to the cemetery cause it's a holiday for the dead a lot of people crowded cemetery before all of us went home we took a picture and someone or something joined our photo a old woman with green eyes white hair we thought it was our old relative but my cousin said our grandma was on the front not on the back(she deleted the photo because believing we might get cursed)
The scariest part is how some people just choose to live with a beeping low battery smoke detector. Just change the fuckin' battery yo, can you people not hear that?
I would be so mad if my kid broke my glasses lol
Yeah I watched this alone and I think I'm starting to have Auditory hallucinations and Phasmophobia
#6 looks like an ordinary simple ghost
I couldn't understand the last one
John Wolfe debunks your fraudulent videos all the time
No kid nothing there you’re eyes playing tricks on ya
#1 i heard a laugh saound like a creepy laugh
#3 i saw a hat pasing by her it looked just like a pirate hat
2:01 I see the ghost
So many ghosts have those black voids where the eyes should be, sometimes they have an inky black weird distorted star shape
#10 it was probably edited
1:52 bro… i just thought, what if u were a student and the teacher on recess tells u to get something from the class? Oomph. That would be scary not knowing the class (if not school) is haunted.
8:05 maybe it was a mask? but whatever it is that shit is scared tf out me
W technology
About the student that stayed late to learn : Even if the student was dead, do they not have the right to continue their education? Remember : "No Student Left Behind" right?
I have a scary story that is actually true and this is how it went
Me and my family were in the car heading back home from a 1 hour drive to visit some Cousins and it was night time. I was bored and looked out the window for a few minutes until I saw something in the distance. There was pure grass and flat ground and then i saw a white figure, it looked 10 feet tall with very large arms and large legs and it also looked like it was sitting down. Were just about to pass by it but then it started to crawl fast like a running dog and it had a mouth with a giant smile with white eyes. By that we fully passed it and i wanted to Tell my family but I thought they would say im just seeing things or im still scared of the dark but im still wondering what it was
8:01 ghostface that you? Lol
5:10 does no one else see another head above the girl in #8?
The 1st one looks spliced
I love this.. no intro and just jumps right into the shit
Bro when he flipped the phone it scared me

Why everyone thought the little girl break the glasses? This kind of glasses have magnets in the middle. That's all. Nobody break the glasses
Full of fake videos with gullible subscribers

Im watching this alone, dont tell me what to do
Clip 3 looks like the chill guy without a head and legs
#7 is the creepiest thing i've ever seen oml the jump i jamped
16:00 the woman filming the child moves a black piece of clothing across the screen with her hand.
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. If you have an IQ of a room temperature, you see ghosts everywhere when you're looking for them so desperately.
18:10 if thats my glasses ur up for adoption
3 is the headless horse men but without the horse
4:40 OH SHIT
Damn bro deleted my comment
Washingmachine in the neighbouring flat making wardrobe shake.
Angela needs to speak out loud over her home in the name of Jesus Christ all spirits not of Jesus Christ must leave this home now and not return! You must be a believer because spirits know. My daughter would see spirits and feared going to her dads house bc of this she told them to leave in the name of Jesus Christ . She did it 2x they never came back!