TERRIFYING Paranormal Activity Caught on Camera!

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DIDDY’S MANSION IS CURSED?! TERRIFYING Paranormal Activity Caught on Camera!
What’s happening inside Sean “Diddy” Combs’ mansion is BEYOND SCARY! Unexplainable noises, shadowy figures, and poltergeist activity are getting WORSE. Is this place HAUNTED or something more sinister? Watch before it gets taken down!
This footage will leave you SHOOK!
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#Diddy #HauntedMansion #ParanormalActivity #Poltergeist #GoneTooFar #Ghosts
My Ghostiesss! Please like and share my beautiful family
55:25 that house has not been there for 300 years…. So it would have to be the land,..
Loved it
I know many times ghosts to not want to be filmed. Did ypu ever think of wearing hidden cameras? I feel
Like ghosts/demons may be more inclined to show themselves when there is no obvious filming. Like don’t even talk about it. Just a couple of guys walking through a haunted place. Or setting up those secret cameras that look like teddy bears. Just curious
That was great

That picture is so creepy what could it mean some sort of sacrifice I feel
Don’t annoy it don’t for get you have to bom it out man
That’s. Sad he said I had plans
rest in peace man
He must of died near the window
I got a funny feeling that person was thrown out of the window
Your a good looking guy
be safe I will put you in my collection yeah 

Why is it cursed he has not died
I sounded like a door or sqeeky door then
Wha5s up man
this looks good so creepy man
Awesome video. Creepy. The doors opening gave me anxiety. You're brave. Hope u do more videos alone. Scary but so fun to watch
@7:27 you can hear a male voice
Hobart Tasmania Australia
something about that place gave me the chills, something very evil is there, so please be very careful and don't let nothing let nothing get attached to you. i enjoyed your videos I'm always on the edge of my seat.
L9ve your video's ….
Your a brave man!!
Your one of my favorite you tuber. You will do fine with numbers.
"I see u with an 's' backwards" typically means "I see you" but with a subtle implication that the person being observed is considered to be "backwards" or not quite aligned with the mainstream, often due to their beliefs, actions, or style, as the reversed 's' symbolizes going in the opposite direction…. Sounds like somebody trying to sway you from doing things you wanna do
… But i thought i'll look into that message 4 u 
7:26 and three quarter a second, in the entrance stands a figure and peek in,disappiers to the left behinde the door.
Man you walking past old VHS
that belong at a station some where
! Reading paperwork from why his a$$ had to roll
… Mane originally that house was Biggies but he never got it ! Maybe That was Biggie kicking down the door 
I find it very hard to believe u alone in that trap house
…nI mean people under the stairs , behind the walls , in the ceilings smh
, i mean you got your life full … Things coming thru your audio when interfered ,
….. Funny but they were going thru construction then Diddy ditched the Mansion for a reason 
I actually think your videos are clear and legit at the very least !!! And of course there's always room for improvements !
…. Don't change nothing besides small interference
37:30 then the orb came out when door opened
Ooo wow you did have a camera
this time you went into the it was a spirit thay banged on the piano bad I didn't motive that at're the man.
Put a camera
in the piano room while to investigate
other rooms and floors .if there is someone there you'll be able to see them, if it's spiritual, you'll know that as well..
You should ask those who the dead are that stayed in the mansion after they died in Diddy's mansion while he lived there.. One reason he just left and walked out leaving everything..there were a lot of killings there when he owned the mansion.
Those were domino's, alot of Black Americans play domino' gambling, when playing the game.
Yes, I believe the static on your audio was caused by entities or spirits interference of your audio. They were draining the energy in all actuality they are electromagnetic energy or waves or just plan energy themselves..I've seen other investigator having their audio act up with static as well, and it was do to paranormal energy
Should've put the camera facing the piano..
When did diddy live there?
Great job bro
1:02:42 WTH Levy that's NOT right?!? Music box, feathers, a weird picture & a note that says "I SEE YOU!" I am really freaked out and I'm not even there!! I thought
% paranormal but that note made my heart almost stop!? Did somebody wind up that box & put that weird creepy note or was it an actual spirit?!?
There were so many footsteps, noises, aggressive spirit box answers…..Damn Levy! You really should try and get Joe, Chad, Angelo, a family member to that location!! You deserve a Grammy, Golden Globe, Oscar, a Gold Medal something because this was incredible! Thank you so much, you made my day again!
Loved the video, thank you from the UK. Next time please take someone with you, be safe
Hi Levy love your contents the interference that you are experiencing i believe its paranormal you have the same equipment that other investigator has there's no running electricity in the building the only thing i can think of its the spirit that loves to play with the piano it takes lot's of energy for it to touch the keys and it uses the energy from your equipment to build more energy I'm saying this from experience I'm also a paranormal investigator
21:42 Levy don't be angry, it's the paranormal for sure! YES I'VE HAD IT HAPPEN A MILLION TIMES and I've investigated for 20 plus years. One of the cameras I use, I decided to pause our TV (my husband bought a 75' TV for his man cave and I wasn't thrilled
at first) and take a bunch of pictures in succession and I'm glad I did. Paradolia can be a nightmare though, especially since I'm just looking at a screen and not there like u are. So, what jumped out at me was to your top left in that theater box (there's 2 one in the top left and top right corner outside of the balcony) a clear image of a young woman in a white nightgown with long hair, I see her profile (tiny nose) and she's looking down at what looks like a baby in her arms; on the balcony to the right, there looks like a female spirit peeking out from maybe a column because she's not in the door, she's out a bit, dark long hair, maybe white sweatshirt and u can see her hand, lastly to your left under where your bookbag is sitting, looks like maybe a male spirit is crawling on the carpeted floor. Like I said, paradolia is always a problem because I'm not at the location but you will know once u check out this time stamp. This place was so active and I heard the creepiest sounds especially at 51:16
that sounded like a very loud type of snake hiss!?!
Wow, what a dream location for the paranormal! Great investigation Levy! Cheers 
SHUT THE FRONT DOOR LEVY you rock for going here!! You come back STRONG and I LOVE YOU for going to this Mansion!! Philippines no way and nothing that u do bothers me Levy!! You're genuine, kind, hilarious and what a personality!!
10,000 yay!! You deserve a million subscriber's! It doesn't bother me at all if u post once every 3 weeks, once a month, or every 3 months because when you post we all know that it will be a bangor!!! It's all about QUALITY NOT QUANTITY Levy!! I will share your channel like I always do! Safe travels to the Philippines!
Levy, I always listen with my headphones and it makes such a big difference! I can literally hear everything and there's been a few times I've caught things investigators missed during their investigation!