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Paranormal Investigation at an abandoned home. ft @TheOuijaBrothers

Finally I got to go on an investigation with the Ouija Brothers, no security no issues. This is the first investigation team up I have done and who better to do it with than @TheOuijaBrothers

Unfortunately Griff was ill on this occasion and couldnt make it.

I now have a patreon set up, some early access and behind the scenes photos etc.

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  1. I know this might be old, but 47:35 there looks to be something in that room on top of boxes, like a cat. And strangely when It said Scratch that was the first thing that crossed my mind…one slight mistake I think Ste made… When you put ghost tube out for a spirt to interact with, try and make it somewhere that a spirit can reach it. I think he put it up way to high, and if it was a cat. I don't know… Just my thoughts there…

  2. Nice to see an investigation where there isn't a demon around every corner. Love the debunking as you go. Plus I had a thought once, and some would argue only once, but it's become a question. Why do paranormal investigators assume, well maybe not assume, but speak as if a spirit would know what a camera is or what most of what you use it? Especially if the location is hundreds of years old. Just a thought.

  3. I'm late to the party but I really enjoyed this and am off to check out the ouija brothers for the first time now. It makes a huge difference to know there is nothing fake about what you do. Masses of good luck in finding what you seek.

  4. Despite not really getting anything much this was a really compelling video. Was good to see you and guys finally meet up and do an investigation. Looks like you had a of of fun.

    Main thing I picked up on was the bag noise. Did you ever find out what happened?

  5. Hi beardo and mrsgeek, I've just court up with all your videos and just finished watching your 1st livestream 👍I'm a busy mum for 4 plus I mod for a good friend of mine. At the moment I'm watching your latest game on twitch, and decided to get it for myself. The game is called Conrad Stevensons paranormal. I'm mks2831 over on twitch. But I will be changing it to mkids. Keep up the good work, 👍

  6. Hi Berdo, yes I hear another sound time 2:00, plus I get more from the house, and who worked there, also and there should be photos + paper upstairs to in a room on the right side .. I don't want to say anything more .. Will now continue to watch your video ..tess ❤

  7. Well I did a quick scroll and don't see any timestamps at all! Kind of surprising tbh, so I want to drop just 1 of my findings for you now. When your upstairs checking out a room on your own, I hear what sounds like a disembodied voice (opposed to an e.v.p) @6:40 that says either "some are dumb' OR 'summer dump'. COnsidering the topic at that moment, it could be either. You can hear it even better on Ste's audio @4:41 I noted his yesterday, still crickets. Lemmie know what you think!

  8. Absolutely loved this! The authenticity is very comforting to see. It's nice that you put in the video that it was your mic rubbing when you thought it might've been a moan. I debunk my videos when I'm editing but I always cut those parts out. Maybe I should reconsider now. Great video my brother, glad you dropped it! Much love & respect 🙏 🤟

  9. It was still a great investigation. I enjoyed seeing your video as much as Ste's. Looking forward to more investigations with you. There awesome adventures. Much love and respect to you and Mrs Geek.

  10. I really enjoyed this video 🤗 beautiful building, such a shame it's been left to rot 😔
    That basement would have been awesome to explore if it hadnt of been for the water, very creepy down there 😳
    Definitly silent hill ish along that corridor, I wouldnt have gone down there i've played too many of those games lol
    I know what lurks in those areas 😂

  11. My biggest thing about the paranormal and ghosts in particular is why would they be knocking about in an old abandoned building? If i am to spend eternity wandering the earth in spirit form then i am going to be where all the best entertainment is and watching it for free and spending time watching over my family not banging about in an old mouldy house hoping someone is going to rock up with a few devices that go off if i go wandering by. I know people are going to say about ghosts being attached to certain places but when has that ever been proven as fact? Never is the answer to that as no one has ever had a ghost actually tell them that, although some will claim that they have but when told to actually prove it they can't, mediums are a total sham as not one has been able to prove their abilities under actual measurable conditions. Now saying all that, i have seen and experienced a few things that i cannot explain, that's not to say there isn't a perfectly normal explanation for what i saw or experienced it just means that i don't have one, that is why i have an interest in the paranormal and seeing people try and do it the right way and maybe catch the same things i experienced to give me an answer is what keeps me interested, will i ever get an answer? probably not but you never know!

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