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THIS WAS A REALLY BAD IDEA – Real Paranormal Investigation

On a stormy night, we explore this eerie abandoned house, where we encounter inexplicable phenomena.
However, we are left questioning if any of it is truly paranormal.
Tune in to discover the secrets that await us!

00:00 Intro
00:41 Old Timbers House
08:00 Paranormal Activity
10:06 Paranormal Investigation
16:26 Leave Here
22:55 Scary Experience
30:00 The Door Experiment

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THIS WAS A REALLY BAD IDEA – Real Paranormal Investigation

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  1. 16:36 who is whispering “please leave” very loudly right here? Is it one of the phones or the guys? I’m assuming I’m missing something because I don’t see any other comments and it’s clear as day.

  2. I’ve watched a lot of these videos and if you want a touch of advice from somebody who’s watched about 10,000 of these ghost hunt videos from all different countries, here’s a few things I know will help with activity.

    1. Stop talking so much, be quiet and listen. You guys don’t need to discuss every knock and try to debunk it. Most of us have watched enough of these and are discerning enough to draw our own conclusions.

    2. Use night vision, you must find a way to go lights out.

    3. Separate.

  3. Around 27:30 when you said it sounded like someone was in the house. Just before you went down it sounded like someone talking, female voices. I played it back a few times to make sure and i kept hearing it. Who knows though

  4. That is four the wind direction same thing as a wind sock like a landing helicopter 🚁 the has to the direction of the wind sock direction it's blowing. The only difference is that one the has N,S E & W wind direction for storm blowing in. Tail of helicopter 🚁 has be pointing same direction.

  5. I forgot to comment! Man, not the first time lately. However – while it seemed empty, now I've watched Beardo's and the guys' vid where the dudes came with baseball bats etc – is it possible there was something there and trying to warn you? Knife could be weapon, and it kept telling you to leave. I know it spat some odd stuff too so ??? But ??? Something to ponder? Fab again!!! Thanks so much. 💜

  6. You two are fun to watch and i love uthat you dont use too many instruments. I love the spirit talker. I used a tape recorder back in the early 1990's to record my own voice for meditation purposes and recorded a voice other than my own…left that forever and i wish i saved the tape.

  7. Knock, knock. Who is there?
    Your paranormal fanats, you think?! You so cool, that don't afraid of angry paranormal invaders?!
    Because you, certainly, had chosen the unpleasant place for you.
    Slogan: Damned be those, who stealthy on someone's phrases.

  8. I have only real true and strange fact to share ok WAMAC it's a town In Illinois it stands for Washington County and Marion County and Clinton as it's sitting in corner of all three of these counties oh just wait it gets better in real life it's a true GEM if u enjoy crystal meth it stands for wamac we are meth anfetamine cooks no lie I have picture of the church sign instead of methodist it literally reads meth church of wamac it has been this way since I can remember in 90s and still to this day Illinois is known as the corrupt state in USA ITS DEFINITELY CORRUPT AND FULL OF DOPERS

  9. It's a weather vein also we here in southern Illinois call it the rotating rooster aka scrap metal oh and for the real trailer park trash folks it's a multi tool however mostly used to stir up there batch of speed that every other camper is cooking up

  10. WOW love your accents watching from Las Vegas, Nevada. I just became a new subscriber. Love watching ghost videos. Thank you for the realness of the video. Crazy. I couldn't do what you do. I'm scared to death of my own shadow LOL

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