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We step inside this abandoned vicarage nursing home searching for real paranormal activity.
Could this be one of the UK’s most haunted places?

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00:00 Intro
01:55 Climbing inside
06:13 Carl Guntrip
09:42 Starting the investigation
14:07 Did you hear that?
15:11 Room 16
21:00 Exploring the Entity footage
25:07 Investigating downstairs
30:08 Into the dark
35:43 Outro
#haunted #paranormal #abandoned

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  1. I believe the correct term to the s*** chair is actually called a bedside commode. And if Carl is right after the fire he said he didn't believe that anyone had lost their lives. So it wouldn't have been a current resident in that home, because they still may be alive. It may be someone who had passed away before.

  2. Haunted is haunted, regardless the time of day. You recorded other quiet knocks in response to your questions when upstairs, that you missed. Stay safe lads. Running around on 2nd floors that have fire and water damage, is not necessarily the smartest. ❤️👀👻

  3. No way, can't believe nobody has mentioned this…….if you pause at 17:06 there's a pale white face smack bang in the middle of the wall above the radiator to the right of the armchair right as Griff is talking to Gwyneth…. I've literally got chills looking at it……..is that Gwyneth? 😳

  4. Wales is a brilliant place for abandoned and haunted locations, so many old historical buildings! If I recall too I think the fire in this one was cause by faulty electrics. Great video, love the content you guys make!

  5. We filmed paranormal their last year for our channel we left a can of pop on the table before leaving when we finished we walked to the carpark and found our can of pop just appeard their we could not understand why it was on the car park strange place we had good paranormal activity few times their!

  6. Love you guys in the vids always funny honest and open .. places like this and hospitals if only the walls could talk bet they would tell a few stories esp about not so good things that went on
    .. did you guys get any strange vibes there ? I'm sure prob lots of deaths there if not abuse in the past 😔

  7. Love your channel and content your both great sadly tho on this occasion I think this is 2 recent & people really live past 100 and if that was my gran& she had past that would of hurt I think no pics or names if it's so fresh it's literally on a few years & that lady could be watching eastenders unable to give u a message because she's alive while her gra daughter is watch your channel shocked.. Just a mental thought,, much love dudes

  8. Glad I'm not the only one who struggles to get in places lol. Amount of times I've fell or something lol. I don't think the residents who's names were on the door would of died there as to be moved out when osed down. I can't beleive the stuff they left, thousands of pounds worth of equipment they could of sold or gave to other places. Judging by what was left like that also they didn't move, they literally shut down. Why they wouldn't sell stuff and the building to get money back is beyond me. There will of been a lot of deaths there sadly. Interesting place and great video.

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