Medium Budget WEAPON MASTER Witchhunter XBOW Guide – Path of Exile 2 Early Access

The Weapon Master Witchhunter can really use weapon swaps to gain MASSIVE Bossing DPS! In this video we go over the Medium budget
Build Link (The build link always has the most up to date setup!)
Jewel (meta gem)
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#pathofexile #gaming #mageblood #pathofexile2 #witchhunter #mercenary
00:00 Intro
00:57 Breach Map
05:38 Deli + Boss map
09:13 Gear/Cost Overview
10:20 Weapon
14:08 Body Armour
18:21 Rings
20:23 Amulet
22:34 Helm
23:23 Boots
24:16 Gloves
24:34 Belt
25:52 Quest Rewards
26:20 Belt pt2
27:35 Jewels
29:03 Weapon 2
30:43 Skill Gems
32:56 Passive Tree/PoB
been trying this build but still too expensive
need high tier item but still squishy and still had trouble clearing map
explosive shot build still better for the budget
cool build but for a 37 minute video its crazy u couldnt at least show each support gem u have socketed for the skills, each of your build videos u say its the same as the last build but in your last build video u say the same thing so idk which video to watch to see that. also how are u procing that freeze effect from your herald? or is it the cast on shock? u dont really explain a lot of the stuff
Cool, thanks. Would love to see a cheap version/starter build that you could play on and capitalize on the more expensive ones
Do you think its fine adding a cheap ingenuity belt to this build or is it too hard to get resistances/attributes when you use three uniques?
How are you getting over 3.5k es? I followed each link and spend 10 div and only have 2.5es?
hello, how did you put the shoes in the lower bar next to the mana where you set your skills? I would like to leave myself 4 skills and I don't want a basic attack (bolt) and I don't know how to do it
im sick of this herald shit
Got the auras going and the ring but not getting any action. So confused.
Thanks for the tips, next time just say you can build it with 3 Divine, because basically is HoWa and the armor … the rest you can find it really cheap
I have high skepticism doing this build, even the full budget version. Considering I’ve switched from your old Xbow build to Dumbos build. The main problem I kept running into is avoiding 1 shots and I am torn between CI and MoM due to the heavy investment in Either ES or Mana. I guess what I want to know is what is the best way to optimize witch hunter because it just feels lacking over all.
where do you get so much ES ? have around the same gear like you but i am hanging around with 2.5 k ES … makes absolutely no fun
i dont understand where you find so much shield
Great video. Can’t wait for next one cause no way I can get those gloves yet.
so if i managed to get an ingenuity utilitary belt could i use it ?
is it worth still going for a HOWA build? I just reached lvl 80 and i have around 200 exalts to spare but I'm afraid it might get nerfed
Thanks for making this build.
FYI at 12:50, you can copy the whole text of the item from the trade website and paste it into the create custom dialog instead of messaging people.
Great job, ty for the video. I can't understand how you manage to keep active Herald of Thunder, Herald of Ice, Blink, Grim Feast and Cast on Shock with 150 of spirit..
Thank you for the video man
Insane how fast you deliver these, keep it up
I feel validated, was just discussing with some friends and we all agree that xbows cost a lot just to make it viable