Our SCARIEST ENCOUNTER Haunted Prospect Place Paranormal Nightmare TV S20E4

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#demon #paranormal #scary
Thank you everyone for the amazing turnout Friday night. Rob and Luke both said Hi. Hope to see everyone Friday night for another Paranormal Friday Team Nightmare For Life. Hit the LIKE Button
I admire how Shaun stays so honest and respectful when he's uncomfortable. What a good man
Would love to see more of your cousin please

Sorry for once in 5 years I'm late catching up with you guy's had some family problems.

fourman brothers for life. 

Anyway will always trust the fourman brothers I don't trust any other YouTubers with this field of work
Fourman Fridays
I'm from New Bedford Mass. The underground railroad ran threw our homes..Tunnels run around some of the older houses striaght down to the basements …we are extremely haunted In Mass..Right of the water..The whaling city alot of history here..
32:35 got some weird alien looking face showing up in the static in the lower left corner of the program you are using to spirit chat
At 35:06 when Rob and Shaun were in the basement together there looks to be a man standing next to Rob. It was when Shaun had that vibration in his ear and down his leg.
That barn allegedly a slave hunter once hung after he confirms that there are slaves hiding in the mansion
I would Love you guys going to The UK to "THE ANCIENT RAM INN".
Would you Please Consider?
"ANCIENT RAM INN" is a One Of a Kind place 4 Sure.
World so advanced even the spirit can airdrop you pics
When I said Mr. Adams "tapped that ass" and then Josh said it I couldnt believe it
one of my fav parts of this video. Love when you mix a little comedy into the videos too lol
I always hit like button first
Oh I would love to go there! I´ve seen somany investigate this place. If I remember it right, it was someone who was hung in the barn cause he was going to tell about them hiding slaves.
I love this episode! Shaun was too funny with his guest (sorry, I think his names is Rob).
He's normally funny, but this was great. Plus, lots of really good evidence.
That's a church! In the ai picture! Definitely a church
So so happy to see your subscriber count on the rise! Ya'll deserve it so much! You three put in so much work and help so many people all while having your own lives and families. Goes to show what amazing people you are! Wishing you so much more success! Stay safe gentlemen!
Those are slaves spirits
Love Rob too I'm engineer I'm mechanic love cars cars cars i rebuild them as hobby or repair and repair hammond organs and valve radios Rob. Paul here
I adore you josh Shaun and rocky watch you everything you've recorded fron the start
I hope sam and randal weren't treated too bad as slaves
What is the app y'all use that shows the pictures? I cant find it anywhere…
I think I missed something – who is Luke?
What’s the goal of yous doing this you don’t help in anyway
What app is that they use in basement
I will unsubscribe to any american you tubers..Get you people back home in US from europe….traitors of liberty and democracy…
54:01 crazy that the spirit talker says seance a little bit ago and now they are all sitting at the table as if they are doing a seance.