Poison Mist Metta Elden Ring PvP

Poison Mist Metta Elden Ring PvP
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This just for fun Elden Ring Build is one of my Top Favorite one’s. This weapon is one of the best in all of Elden Ring PVP.
GhostProdigy here thanks for taking the time to check out one of my videos.
Its all About FromSoftwear here That Means Dark soul’s, Dark Soul’s 2 Dark Souls 3 Bloodborne, Sekiro And the new Elder Ring Game
You Can expect PvP Let’s Plays And walk-through Videos And any NEW DLC Coverage! Also Maybe some Assassins Cred as well.
GhostProdigy AKA GP Out.
The dmg from the poison is unseenable, 99% from the hit
why the normal soldier armor looks so good, you find all kinds of armors and always the base soldier equipment with some othe mixed in are the best looking.
What's the armour my guy ?
What's the armour? I can't see the other replies
Through the smoke was hard asf
You're getting parried every time why do people still use this reminds me of the guy griefing level 10's that i cliped running away and rage quitting
There's some serious drip in this build, I really like it
What's the build?
Finally some real pvp and not kids just spamming the ash of waars thinking its fun