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My NEAR D3ATH EXPERIENCE… (My Spirit Guide Saved Me) 😳 #ghost #medium #paranormal #spiritguide

This was when I realized the ghost I had seen and was scared of my whole life, was actually here to protect me 🥺 we later found out he is my great grandfather on my mothers side, Len. (His wife had gifts like me)

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  1. In 2019 i slept at my aunts house, she had a very tall bed and at night my aunt was at the door and I fell of the bed but my aunt was watching me and she saw me go down slow so something kept me in they’re hands I think it’s an spirit but idk ❤

  2. That actually happened to me when my daughter was 1 years old.i fell completely out a 4 story window, my brother who was murdered a week before my daughter was born saved my life, he wouldn't let my hands release i was tired and getting rope burn, 30 women couldn't pull me in. One woman came and grabbed my belt buckle, and i felt his hands under my feet, pushing me in. I saw my entire life and myself unconscious in the ambulance slipping away, then i saw his him.

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