In this episode we find ourselves inside a nearly 600 year old manor house that has been abandoned in the English countryside for a few years now. We were shocked when hearing virtually non-stop walking throughout the building amongst other activity. We left cameras alone in the house for a while and captured something very interesting. Elliot also get’s angry and Joe nearly loses a delicate part on a gate.
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DJI POCKET 2: https://amzn.to/3Ln7FpA
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JOE’S DRONE: https://amzn.to/3rcTwV5
ELLIOT’S DRONE: https://amzn.to/3EAyjrr
POLAROID CAMERA: https://amzn.to/3Zm0gwv
SONY 85mm LENS: https://amzn.to/46aBkKz
GOPRO 8: https://amzn.to/3rb4LgV
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LAPTOP JOE: https://amzn.to/450wij6
LAPTOP ELLIOT: https://amzn.to/45S7Kdh
DJI MICS: https://amzn.to/3PFf86b
MAIN CAMERA MIC JOE: https://amzn.to/3sWzOh2
MAIN CAMERA MIC ELLIOT: https://amzn.to/3sNouDE
DEADCATS: https://amzn.to/48sYgab
PODMICS: https://amzn.to/3PlmH0a
MIC STAND: https://amzn.to/3RfGvF0
HEADPHONES: https://amzn.to/48ezSsq
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BACKPACK JOE MAIN: https://amzn.to/3LpDvlI
BACKPACK ELLIOT MAIN: https://amzn.to/46c5YTX
BACKPACK SPARE: https://amzn.to/3Lp1IZv
SMALLRIG: https://amzn.to/3PEjzxR
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NIGHT VISION BACKUP: https://amzn.to/3EF5aLF
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Elliot and not Elliot, I propose that you and a sensitive (me) I'll volunteer

Spend a few days/week living in this house to do a full scale thorough investigation! I for one think it would make an outstanding video!!!!
My services free because I love you guys so much! Not that I would ever charge in the first place because my gifts are private but I'm willing to help for the experience, I'll shut up now because I'm rambling! I do that in the presence of greatness
One of the most stunning properties I've ever seen.
I still want to go and live in this house

This place reminds me of The Others with Nicole Kidman. People are just living their lives, then they hear the floor boards creaking from both of u and they are wondering where the sound is coming from!!!! Such a beautiful building.
It's echoes of history, reverberating through time. Stone tape theory is fascinating when you look into it. Let's imagine time is happening all at once. Someone from 100 years ago could be walking in the house at the same time you guys are there. Time is layered over the house, and you are hearing the echoes of what happened at the same time, years ago.
In the same vein, someone from years ago could be hearing your footsteps from the future. If time is happening concurrently, this would lend itself to plausibility.
Absolutely stunning mansion

yet Creepy

appreciated for sharing 

Evidently the house was empty only with you gentlemen there BUT you were never ALONE there convinced and no doubt about it 

this location was stuck in the past and Joe & Elliot came in as visitors/investigators eg.the walking constant noises even music/radio the beds bangs plates the bell holy moly like a different time zone movie insane

Haunted and Beautiful
Remarkable that you found this gem guys thank you for exploring such an amazing location
Adorable adventure extraordinary even
Outstanding work
LOVE 'ya
Stay safe
Much love
Oh lordy you boys are bloody good aren't you. If your reading this comment and your hesitating about subbing to this channel then don't hesitate these guys are brilliant and so genuine. There is no other paranormal channel out there of this calibre, in fact I am going to recommend them on my channel and I have nothing to do with paranormal stuff. I love watching your content and pray that you both don't change because this channel is just simply brilliant and your humour is so very droll but yet so funny. Genuine channel and without doubt I would say the best paranormal channel out there. I keep saying it I pray you guys get your own series on TV you really are that good, you never know might even get more people wanting a tv licence just to watch you lol. Brilliant video well done guys.
What a beautiful house. I feel like I’m on a movie set.
The intro interviews made my day today
so sad, so beautiful house is abandoned.
I love you guys! LOVE! My only complaint is the night vision cameras during the day. If there’s natural light, let’s use it! I want to see what you guys are seeing!
Who is outside? You showed walking.who are they?
What an amazing home. The strange architecture, hidden nooks, short doors. Just beautiful. Great camera work men! All those steps, I kept imagining a family living amongst you, but invisible, as if you were invisible to them as well. So crazy quiet.
Not sure you would get a reply from asking a spirit a question as they will not talk back.I do think a return visit would be great with better equipment.Ask Adam Mark to borrow his stuff
If y'all someone to do subtitles for the hard of hearing viewers, I put my name in the goblet of paranormal!
What is that black thing at 3:36 ? It is in the doorway, a black blob that quickly slides out of sight toward the bottom of the open door…
This house is beautiful despite its alleged wonkiness.
Just watched this again. I get anxiety from this place. Stay safe and always thank you .
So beautiful. I love it!!
Without doubt the best paranormal team on YouTube. I'm a big fan of Tom, Dave & Kev of Haunted Finders, but these guys are edging it atm. I like the 45 — 50 mins plus episodes.
I wonder if it has a hidden "priest hole"?
Nice orb over the fireplace at 44.13.
It’s a shame that this building has been abandoned. A lovely and quirky little hall like that ought to be restored and protected by the National Trust or something. And I’m sure it would gain a bit of popularity among tourists because of the old invisible owner that seems to be carrying on living there like 600 years haven’t passed.
Holy shit Elliott. That outro was like Return of The King…
26:19, is it me, or does a shadow move to the left in the room? As not Elliott says "Which room are you in".
21:34 sounds like a muffled tv or radio
Oh boy! That there is the cottage I dream of living in, but know that I never will … absolutely gorgeous home!!!
Those floors look cleanly swept and polished…cant be totally abandoned
Love your videos. About this lovely house; I saw a newspaper article from this month saying the house is going to be demolished. Not sure how true that is, but I hope it isn’t
It looks like it is open to the public. It is so beautiful!! Nice not to see graffitti for a change love from Australia
30:23 I heard the bell Elliot – headphones are def better!