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The Most Recent Paranormal Videos Just for You!

From a possible recent paranormal video captured in a haunted house to scary footage that might show a ghost in a cemetery, we look at the most recent paranormal videos just for you! #Paranormal #Scary #SlappedHam
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OUR MOST POPULAR TOP 10 VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G-vFvUbO-M&list=PLz9EdJARh8zmkOZpbO-ToDyprjx9AQ4Wd&index=1

7. CEMENTERIO DE LA PLATA ☠️ LA CIUDAD DE LOS MUERTOS⚰️… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_driAcmBsjQ
6. Por favor, alguien que me ayude…. https://www.tiktok.com/@leaanrrito/video/7289307634941840645
LA ALTURA DE ESTE DEMONIO ES ANORMAL 😨😨… https://www.tiktok.com/@leaanrrito/video/7366464031579720966
5. Half-naked man smashes car into jail… https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/us-news/half-naked-man-smashes-car-32970952
4. A couple of years ago my doorbell caught this image walking past my door https://www.facebook.com/groups/283566876803190/permalink/929969612162910/
3. TERRIFYING SINGING COMING FROM MAUSOLEUM !!! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IUXTMA_Ctww
2. AFL photographer Paul Kane snaps ‘genuinely creepy’ image with ‘extra hand’ after North Melbourne’s first win https://7news.com.au/sport/afl/afl-photographer-paul-kane-snaps-genuinely-creepy-image-with-extra-hand-after-north-melbournes-first-win-c-14960699
1. Couple find creepy hidden tunnel under their home – and soon discover its criminal past… https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/us-news/couple-find-creepy-hidden-tunnel-32966588
Took out the Jacuzzi in the house we purchased 4 years ago… https://www.tiktok.com/@hayleyg099/video/7357558814935141678
Update! Part2!!… https://www.tiktok.com/@hayleyg099/video/7359173185809550634

By Ethan Sloan

By Ethan Sloan

LaGuardia Avenue
By V.V. Campos

The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/


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  1. The guy who crashed the car looked like he's wearing a hospital gown. I wonder if he's left a hospital without permission and has mental health issues or possibly he's under the influence of drugs. Whatever the situation I hope he gets the help he might need.

  2. If you noticed in the picture of the two football players hugging the one with the mysterious hand if you look at the right elbow of the guy wearing the number for sure you can see another elbow below his. So maybe there's a guy that we can't see that's hugging them from behind and we can't tell because we can't see their lower body

  3. Happy Anniversary Kallen and Team!!! Can't believe I have been with you for over 10 years!!! Thanks for all the good times!!! All the weird information i never would have gotten!!1 I love you guys!! Keep up the GREAT work!!!

  4. Omgosh !!!! Slapped Ham is the longest thing that has kept my attention over the years 10 ass-kicking years to be exact 👻💯👾💀 That 1st video I watched changed my life. So thank you for that from the darkest, strangest place in my heart 💯 😈👽☠️👻🤖🪦👹🦹

  5. With the football guys & the extra hand if you look to the right where Mazda hand is you can see another part of a body like back of some ones shoulder & elbow Clearly there is someone else behind these to guys

  6. Listen, I have not been receiving anything from you and it’s getting frustrated that constantly. I have to keep looking for you to find out when you are doing things. Can you please make sure you send to me

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