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The Grey Room – HAUNTINGS of Chillingham Castle

We spent 24 hours inside Chillingham Castle, considered one of the world’s most haunted places.
We ventured into The Grey Room, infamous for its paranormal activity. We explored the room alone, hoping to capture something on camera.
Narration by @DeadColdTales

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00:00 Chillingham Castle
01:37 The Grey Room
05:14 Alone
09:00 Strange Knocking
14:53 Lone Vigil 2
19:48 It’s Kicking off
24:59 Paranormal Activity
28:22 Anything Happen?
#paranormal #haunted #ghost
The Grey Room – HAUNTINGS of Chillingham Castle (Real Paranormal)

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  1. Can I just say what a splendidly grand honour it is to narrate this intro for Ste & Griff from the magnificent Chillingham Castle, I love this location in my home country and have filmed here myself with others. Many thanks for all the comments, I love them and will always appreciate the support from this wonderful community.

    An awesome video from the lads, hopefully I'll see you all at the beginning of part 2.

  2. Hi Griff and Steve, can I just make the comment that around the 6.40 mark in the film, on the furthest wall you can see,
    does anyone else see a large glowing image of a pigs head ? it's shown a few times not just at that time stamp. Did
    anyone else notice this ? I know it's probably a trick of the light, but it's one hell of a light trick when you clearly see
    the head in all its detail ?

  3. My friend stayed in that suite and in the room with the twin beds the amount of flies that came in from god only knows where and just dropped down dead was insane. He stayed there for three nights by himself and had some really strange experiences. The flies were a prominent thing for the whole of his stay but just in that one room. Very strange

  4. We will definitely have to visit Chillingham Castle when we get over to the UK, the place is brilliant.
    Ste, those loud bangs were a bit full on. Griff, hope you felt fine when you left the place 😅
    Great video guys, love your work 👻🩵

  5. Had the honor of staying in the castle twice. The first time in the great room. And yes, we did for the rustling of the skirt , footsteps, someone rattling the window. We got some knocks to some questions asked and …. The color blue was present behind me as I sat by the fireplace. We took some equipment with us for the investigation and what a night it really was! Get a chance to stay there please do. Things really do go bump in the night.

  6. I always wish that the two of you will actually one day experience true paranormal activity because the feeling you get from it is like no other. It seems that the spirits really have to be comfortable with you before interacting. Which basically means that you have to return a few times until they get to know you. I think that the sound the window made when you touched it did appear to sound about the same as what you were hearing Ste. Maybe you two need to make return trips there a few times and see then if you get to experience what the others claim.

  7. Really wierd – 18:20 when you knocked and walked away then turned saying you had a feeling someone was behind you – the subtitles said "thank you" just before you said "woah". That's freaky

    Beautiful place! Thanks for sharing guys 🖤👻

  8. Another awesome tense creepy investigation! 😱😳😍What is up with ghosts and not giving a rip about consent! If they weren't going to ask nicely, in the least they could have made it a pleasant experience! Lol Seriously though, i hope that was just a weird one off unexplainable paranormal thing but just in case, I'll say a prayer for Griff and both his balls.😉 Can't wait for the next video!! 😁💗👻💗

  9. Great investigation as always Ste & Griff. 9 minutes in an already laughing at Griff love his sense of humour, not every day you hunt ghosts and get ya man parts squashed 😂😂

  10. Griff and his haunted ball 😂😂 We hope it's better now!

    Such a great video guys, what a grand location, you must be honoured to have investigated there 🙌🏻

    And such a great opening from the one and only, sexy voice Mark AKA Dead Cold, brilliant production as always.

    All the best 👍🏻

  11. I visited Chillingham Castle in 2019 and loved the place . At one point I walked into the ladies loo and every tap was on full blast – I mentioned this to a member of staff and apparently it happens a lot and nothing to do with plumbing. It is a very beautiful and ghostly castle . Thanks for this video!

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