The POLTERGEIST of Halsham House! (One of The UKs Most HAUNTED Home’s)

We visit Halsham house in Hull and we share the night with John Blackburn once again. Does the house live up to its reputation of one of the UK’s most haunted homes?
Part 2 :
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This content may be considered extremely controversial or disturbing so it should be watched at viewers own discretion.
Any activity we may capture on camera is that of real poltergeist and paranormal phenomenon that will shock you and leave you questioning what is real.
#paranormal #hauntedhouse #ouija
Worzel Gummage was the voice from
tee hee xx

Sprit box
Most haunted are total fakes
Probably not a good idea to mention Most Haunted as it has been proven that they faked their evidence
Loved this one,like when spirits are able to "talk"with you??

4:39 downstairs going towards the right , you can see a spirit of an elderly man between the wooden post of the stairs
When you said “Is there anyone in the comments called Vern?!” I sprayed tea out of my nose
May god bless you always
Love the accent HAHAHAH

Lol! No Vern's in the house!!
Another fab video guys, that Lord's Prayer, I just think of Gollum
Be safe
As respectful as possible griff, me n the lasses had a bet on when you were sat upstairs using app on phone, I wouldn't like to say to much

ste yr were absolutely hilarious had use laughing real hard lol.. brilliant 
saw a hand pushing the book lol x
That John really enjoyed creeping that girl out
God you guys make me laugh

I am someone who really does not believe in the supernatural. I watch these videos to try and get an understanding of what people say they see. I have decided to buy me some cameras and go to places here in Pensacola Florida and see what i can capture. But keep the videos coming they are very interesting to watch.
Omg, you guys had me crying laughing with that tech thingy app and at the end with the zipped bag and rempod.

Griff your a freaking scream lol. Love u guys.
I just finding all your videos. So having a marathon of the Ouija brothers
9:33 in Hello spirits reply "what'd u want" lol that was clear as day
Idk what's better the paranormal or you guys bantering
The Lords prayer is the spookiest thing thing just the voice
Damn Griff, how tall are you lol?
Omg I couldn't stop laughing at ste opening the bag thk you guys other great video

It gives me chills when you play the Lord’s Prayer
Steven is absolutely beautiful
totally will send you guys the link for WITCH BITCH TRACK by skrblzz and shogunbeats thats me! SHES A WITCH BITCH! NAAA NAAA SHES A WITCH BITCH!
Another great video guys, can't wait to see more.
That was funny whenyou were opening that bag!!! I was laughing my ass off! Thanks for your work from AZ USA

Trying to open the bag quietly, oh no then theres velcro and the loud rempod goes off

Spooky guys awesome
It was like watching a couple of kids up to no good and trying to be quiet – hilarious.
You boys need some rest
im subbing.
Velcro… like naughty school kids
I think… because most of the spirits won't be familiar with the electronic devices you're using. So, I think you'll need to explain it to them like you would a young child. "Make it go off" might mean 'explosion' to them, so, explain it better to them. That's all folks.
Around 10:37 when u ask “did anybody die here” the response at 10:42 sounded like “my baby”
OMG…can’t stop laughing
“can u make that noise again…louder than bloke downstairs”…U guys r the perfect combination of paranormal & comedy. The stairs were creaking then REM Pod
You guys can't stay quiet
Most Haunted renamed, now called Most Fakers. Stuart (pebbles) throws most of the things like books and pebbles.
Good video. I love Your video's . Love from the Netherlands

Verne troyer it must have been