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WE HAD TO LEAVE – Dangerous Side of The PARANORMAL

On this adventure, we stumbled upon an abandoned farmhouse that looked like a scene out of a horror movie.
Little did we know what awaited us that night!

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WE HAD TO LEAVE – The Dangerous Side of The PARANORMAL

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  1. That arched cellar is a stock cellar. For meat, veg n such. That was a lovely little house. I wish it had been cared for. As the chimney is standing well. There could be a chance. Hope someone does 👍👍

  2. That’s ace lads. Thanks loads for this vid. I’ve got fibromyalgia, which brings depression. And your vid has just flicked the switch. Love you gents, & your adventures. Cheers 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  3. 😂. Griff and his archaeological statement. “ This used to be an old field of some kind” 😂😂😂😂😂. Love it. Boots on boots field. I used to take my kid in her 3 wheeled pushchair over field like that, just to get milk from the shop a mile away. Glad I don’t need to do that anymore 😂😂😂😂

  4. Awesome video guys. We was in stitches. You have inspired me and my wife to start our own channel investigating the real Paranormal. Again awesome guys and well done on your 100,000 milestone.

  5. Thanks, guys for taking us here but you are right, we don't need you to risk your lives for a Youtube video. What we saw was pretty creepy even without ghosts and it WAS liable to fall down at any time!

  6. I think it was fun watching you guy's trying to get into this place. I really wish you would do this every time. I have often wondered about how you find & get into these abandoned buildings. Who else would like to see that as part of the video? ✋❤

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