NEVER NEVER ANSWER The door when there IS activity present( ringing bell.. Door knocking etc..) But No BODY present to initiate such activity!!!!!!!!! Why open the door when u can't see anything!?!? NEVER buy or place a Welcome Matt at your door.. Specifically welcome ones or any come on in type sheet! wHY!?!? Because the welcome mat is giving any kind of entity or paranormal thing permission to enter your home they don't need your permission because you've already given it to them it says so right on your freaking Matt it says welcome it's just come on in if you have a matt at your door!!! Poltergeist or any kind of evil spirit need your permission to enter your domicile did you really think that was just something from the movies you're wrong they do need your permission and you just gave it to them on your welcome matt!!!!!! congratulations you've also done that when you opened your door you basically said come on in you want to argue that fact read what happened to that guy one more time because now he has an attachment!!!! congratulations I hope you find someone a good medium or a priest or someone to help exercise that from his body so but yeah word to the wise..
The video poster used unnecessary unwaranted stupid annoying added sounds…..interfering with the sounds we need to listen to The narrator also has an annoying voice… A shame for the attempted video.
I mean come on bro you are not dumb enough to open that basement door come on bro If that happens with me I am going to shift to the other house after sunrise
On in your walls pookie
Bros balls are bigger than the earth if he open that man

If his name is Claymore why doesn’t he place himself in front of the door
I love these lil spooks and ooks
It could be anything
NEVER NEVER ANSWER The door when there IS activity present( ringing bell.. Door knocking etc..) But No BODY present to initiate such activity!!!!!!!!! Why open the door when u can't see anything!?!? NEVER buy or place a Welcome Matt at your door.. Specifically welcome ones or any come on in type sheet! wHY!?!? Because the welcome mat is giving any kind of entity or paranormal thing permission to enter your home they don't need your permission because you've already given it to them it says so right on your freaking Matt it says welcome it's just come on in if you have a matt at your door!!! Poltergeist or any kind of evil spirit need your permission to enter your domicile did you really think that was just something from the movies you're wrong they do need your permission and you just gave it to them on your welcome matt!!!!!! congratulations you've also done that when you opened your door you basically said come on in you want to argue that fact read what happened to that guy one more time because now he has an attachment!!!! congratulations I hope you find someone a good medium or a priest or someone to help exercise that from his body so but yeah word to the wise..
Does Mr. Claymore explains this at 3am or does the knocking starts at (3am)???!

The video poster used unnecessary unwaranted stupid annoying added sounds…..interfering with the sounds we need to listen to
The narrator also has an annoying voice…
A shame for the attempted video.
“we. are. venom.”
claymore is a badass name
Just me or i saw a smoke move is that a ghost
Just me or i saw a smoke move is that a ghost
Never open the door dont let them in.
I thought his older brother was in the basement
Here we go again with the 3 am
We’re living in the twenty-first century. Put a camera or thermal cam behind that door.
I saw smoke it's the phantom
That were the kids that were trying to escape
Bro snuck in the attached himself to him oh hell na
He’s had 1 too many beers
if you see a ghost who do u call??

He. NEED. A. G u n
I mean come on bro you are not dumb enough to open that basement door come on bro
If that happens with me I am going to shift to the other house after sunrise 

Never open the door
I think the kids in his basement are hungry
Bro its december now
This is scary!!
Not funny Hoping he is ok & hope he was able to find the
Bro he still didn’t let me out

Wrong wAll pookie <3
Just call a priest
Offer the ghost one of your beers.
That's all it wants.