Twin Paranormal goes Ghost Hunting in the famous Devil’s Corn Maze! Every year we make a trip here to Skinwalker Ranch to uncover more information on what has been haunting this land and what they want and this time we found out who they are! Welcome to Nightmare Month! We love you all and thank you for watching!
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About: Twin Paranormal face anything scary from demons to skin walkers and go to the most haunted and terrifying places, bringing you along for the ride. Places like The Conjuring House, the Devils Maze, Skinwalker cave, Waverly Hills, Skinwalker valley, the Haunted Hill House and more!
All evidence of paranormal activity that we capture on camera of demons, skin walkers, ghosts during our ghost hunts and paranormal investigations is real and some of the scariest videos on YouTube. The haunted locations we go to overnight are always terrifying and we can’t wait to share them with you.
Follow us on all our social media!!
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River’s Channel
River & Ryan’s Channel
Ghost House Channel
Twin Paranormal
#demon #ghosthunting #haunted
Thank you everyone for being here today!! We love you all so much and welcome to another episode of #NightmareMonth

i love your vids
The ghosts are called Dan. But which one is the Man?

At 43:13 right when Ryan says their eff'ed there is another growl!!
They should name it "The Skinwalkers maze…."
Ok after the growl at 24:25 is it me or is there laughing 24:27 – 24:29? Ryan is talking but if you listen I swear it sounds like laughing in a deep voice laughing at Ryan getting scared!
When Ryan was in the Estes, did anybody else get the feeling that when he "get away from them", that was actually Ryan speaking? Not the spirits/entities??? That sounded…. personal? genuine? Like what Ryan was hearing, he decided to speak out against for River ad Wyatt's protection. Idk, the way he said it sounded different
49:18 the “disembodied voice” I don’t know if it’s just me.. but.. kinda sounds like balloon boy from five nights at Freddy’s saying “Hello!”
1:07:55 pov*** the spirit is trying to talk in Morse code
This is definitely one of my favourite videos from you guys.. so spooky
Wyatt is an absolutely sexy Stue.

Creepy corn maze
ah hell yeah, i love corn… and ghosts
I seriously can’t believe how tall that corn is, in Oklahoma our corn is literally half that size. Dear god I would be terrified to enter that fucking field. Born and raised in the country and I wouldn’t step foot in there.
27:38 someone or something is starting at his back brooo I just got chills down my spine
I can not stop binging on your channel, guys! F*cking amazing!!!!

30:02–30:04 I dont know if Im just high but I heard a woman screaming towards the left of how wyatt is facing. IDK I MIGHT BE BUGGIN
It is said man who stand on toilet is usually high on pot

I know this is late, a good way through a maze, keep your right hand or left depending on which way you head. By doing this you will always find your way through. A cool hack
That “I could cry” was so real
first video i’ve watched from twin paranormal & i’m obsessed. this investigation was sooooo cool, & the spirits leading you back to your equipment was so sweet especially when they said “protection” & warned you! please be safe guys & please carry for your own protection!!
and thank y’all for the content you guys are my new favorite 
Addicted to your YouTubechannel..

River was so hurt when Wyatt threw his corn
25:28 either thats a disembodied “yeeeeaaah” whisper, or a car driving by lol
More vlogs with the 3 of u guys pls
Corn maze in Philippines is scary spiders
Okay I don't know if you realized when the entity said love lost and then love. Wyatt's hat has lover on it I don't know if that has anything to do with that ghost.
I really loved your videos. I can feel the authenticity in hour voices. Good job!
It’s admirable you guys want to help her escape the maze but when she’s warning you that much to leave and run she’s probably either getting hurt or getting herself into more trouble trying to defend you guys from whatever that thing is you think is a man lol. That thing is no man it’s straight evil. Like it knows what your trying to do. Trying to find her and it’s trying to keep you longer using that knowledge against you to keep you in there longer. while she’s like I can’t find a way out but you guys are in danger and you need to leave you gotta listen to those warnings guys
At 12:56 when the replay of the corn stock falling over, after it falls over and the guys freak out you can hear what sounds like someone or something running off
COME ON 60,000 LIKES I want to see more
oh poor river I Iaughed so hard when you fell lol. I am so sorry but thank you I havent laughed so hard in a long time. This has been the most on point investigation you guys have done, I couldnt move I held my pee til the end. I wish it was longer. Love watchig you out doing investigations. Again Im sorry river lol i still laughing
id guess the sw is protecting/ guarding her grave to keep those from dishonoring her resting place. id say sw dont want u to find her or her body has something burried with her that 1 ties the sw to the land and 2 could be used to distroy the sw
1:03:51 The growl sounds like HELP to me tbh
Your should but a mic in the headphones when you do the estes method to see if viewers hear stuff you dont when you do it
9 minutes in Wyatt throws corn river I found it… Wait it one way to tell… Yup that's it… Made me laugh so hard lmao
Bring a machete
Just walk through the corn if you’re lost!
34:42 nice fart
40:23 that could be me 
Wyatt seem's to smile at the wrong times ….. NERVOUS ????

I don't like them, they frustrate me so much that I just look and say hell no!!

When did you guys hit ONE MILLION subscribers? Well done!!
Since it seems like everything in the maze wants to find her body I feel like y’all should use the Panasonic (or maybe do the Estes to make it easier) to have her/them communicate which direction(s) to go to find where her body is at, especially since y’all also seem to be trying to find it as well.
The corn boys are back in town 8:13