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Dark Ghost Ship Ambience and Music

In 1998, a cargo ship set sail with a full crew, but when it failed to reach its destination, a search team was sent to investigate. They found the ship abandoned, the entire crew missing without a trace. The ship’s logbook revealed eerie and cryptic entries, describing strange occurrences. The fate of the crew and the incidents aboard the ghost ship remain an unsolved mystery to this day.

This episode of Rest for the Wicked features dark ambient music and ocean sounds.

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Dark Ambient Music Playlists

Dark Ambient Music based on Mythology:

Dark Ambient Music based on Historical Mysteries:

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  1. I will prepare hot stew, tea, coffee and cakes from our rations, which are perfect for such a stormy night. Perhaps we may find interesting things in the bridge and officers' quarters.

  2. Day 1: well that's juat great we are stranded and not going anywhwre figured it would be a good idea to write some of my thoughts down so far we arent experiencing any engine failures makes me wonder how we ran a drift in the first place and we have enough supplies to last awhile i think im not assigned to storage we cant find the captain right now we don't think he abandoned ship not like he would have anywhere to go still its concerning first mate james is in charge till we find the captain.

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