Debunking the Unearthly Growl – Beardo Gets Scared and Ouija Brothers Edition

EDIT: I should hope people understand I’m not saying they are deliberately faking? Just an accidental mutter lol. We go through the latest audible capture from Beardo and Ouija Brothers and see if it really is that. Hope you enjoy
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omg im glad its not just me lol i talk to myself constantly, esp when im nervous or getting ready for the day. it just sounds like Beardo sayin "oh my God" or "my God" like nerves just involuntary made him mumble. and that would def be the 1st phrase id be sayin if i was in that situation too lol! most def no malicous intent.
i love your Animal in the background!!
I love Beardo he always has something good to say about you and the brothers and when he said you tried to debunk him I giggles and have to watch this
Here’s my challenge to anyone. Strap a GoPro on your head or chest for 1day. And see how how much you talk to yourself while your alone.
We all know how well you get on with Ste & Griff, and Beardo is a debunker. Ouija Brothers are the very few trustworthy people in this field. I really like how you worded this because Ouija brothers (Ste) and Beardo never claimed this was paranormal and if anyone watches them investigate you'll know they are their biggest critics when they hear, see, and catch something. They go to lengths to find explanations. Idk how Beardo got his voice to go that low and deep but then again I'm not a man . When I first heard it, it sounded like a grumpy ass old man asking him "Whatta you doing?" But I've often mistaken water drops as voices in the past and even gave my opinion on what I heard the water say.
Omg I sound like a total dingbat explaining "water drop voices". I need to hush. Lol
Let's just say that's why I started wearing earbuds ALL THE TIME on maximum volume when watching paranormal videos.

The new Nukes top 5 has some good ones this time.
Consider doing a debunk?
Beardo Gets scared calls out Barry Ghai for his fakery
Dan, first, you never, Ever, EVER talk too much! I'm sure I speak for a majority of your viewers when I say that's most of why we watch you!
And second, I think you should start a second channel. Just do your own Top 5 videos of cute dogs that you came across each week and we'll all be watching those with you! 
The first one you played sounded like, "What are you doing?". But, then again, I'm an American so I don't get the privilege of hearing those magnificent Welsh and English accents every day.
I was away from my phone (wearing blue tooth earbuds) when that "gutteral" sound played and I thought it was Beardo. When it replayed, and I realized that sound was what you were discussing, I actually went to my phone to replay and watch . Even after listening and watching, I still thought it was Beardo as well. For the record I do NOT think he did it intentionally to deceive!!! I think it was just an unintentional mumble under his breath or some other bodily sound. Anyway, sorry for the rambling. Thank you for another great video Mr. Grey!!!
What's all the explaining about? perspectives this and mic's that?Why is this necessary or required? Personally I prefer the K.I.S.S method. It should be super simple." This clip is Beardo's." and "This clip is Ste's." I mean, we know whose perspective is who's right? We can safely assume they are holding their own cameras when recording
ANYONE? Can you help? I'm a little confused here (I admit it doesn't take much
) Is Grey saying here, that we are hearing the audio recorded into Beardo's lapel mic but watching what Ste filmed? ? This is what I got from his explanation @ 3:09.
Hello Dan!! Awesome video!! I thought it sounded like "I died" on the first video but with the second video it sounds like nothing!!
Please I asked before once …. I really want a video on Ouija Brother video This Made Us Believe In The Paranormal …. Please will you do a video on that??? They got tons of whispers that are really clear and strange
???? I would really appreciate your take on that video!! It was uploaded about 2 weeks ago!! Thanks 
I DO HOPE my stamp is discussed here. Considering it's only 10 mins Im crossing my fingers, but I heard it's been discussed already and knocked down by Mr.Grey. Interested on hearing your view. Cheerz
I heard it in Beardo's live stream and thought it said 'Oh God' or something like that but now all i can hear is 'hay guys' Audio paradolia at it's finest.
The amount of times ive heard something and then I have to go through every camera to make sure no one is speaking. In many cases there not and then I get all confuses as I thought id nailed it. But when I can't see people there is always the is that one of us, is a belly gurgling or someone's nose whistling etc I never really say either yes or no unless I'm 95% sure
Hi Mr Grey. I’ve read Beardo’s debunking of the growing so that’s explained.
Beardo recommend you and I have just finished binge watching all your videos.
I respect your opinion and analysis and have learned so much from you and the other “debunking“ channels as I have no editing knowledge or experience.
You’re not being too critical, you’re just showing us the editing tricks, etc and vocalising what most of us feel about channels who take advantage of those who don’t realise they’re watching dirty little frauds.
I love your rambling rants, your giggling and tangents all in your wonderful Welsh accent.
I throughly enjoy
“Mr Grey Man Of Danger”
in his explorations. Braving the patrolling Guard Dogs of MOD sites, the crumbling mansion and hospitals, venturing alone into tunnels and basements where he lost his torch
and almost his wellies 
I’m glad that Rich has joined you in urban exploring as it’s far safer but he needs a mic so we can hear him
Maybe together you’ll find the elusive Glo Mynedd Mines? Just please leave the bull alone 
Thank you for sharing your love of the outdoors. Who can forget your scenic walks in The Mountains Of Wales, The Ancient Glade Of Mystery and your epic journey to The Waterfall Of Wonder.
I’m so glad you recommend Erwin Saunders. I have adored this bumbling Pixie hunter for years and I have even bought some of his artwork.
Please keep making your own wee films as they crack me up
I would comment on your “Dad Dancing”
but word’s just can’t express the images now burnt onto my retinas 
I would love to see a @worldofmrgrey, @beardogetsscared, @Parrple and @theouijabrothers investigation.
As you can see this Scottish viewer can also ramble on. I’ll finish by saying please keep doing what you’re doing in calling out the money grabbing charlatans, scammers and faker’s for their UTTER BOLLOCKS!
and hugs
to you and your family from Scotland

I am a champion mutterer.
why would he say "hi guys or even i died" which it sounds more like "i died" than "hi guys" ?
It sounds like when your slightly clearing your throat to me , i do it often.
Get a dog. 90% of my conversations are with my dog. Or talk to Animal maybe.
100% sounds like beardo to me
What are your thoughts on the ouija brothers last episode with the whispers of ‘ I love you ‘
I watched both of them and I think you are rite that it is beardo whispering summthing to himself I am always talking to myself and don't even notice
Yes I definitely agree
Beardo you've been Grey'd
In reality, it must be near impossible to stay completely silent during filming. How far do investigators have to go to avoid making any type of noise as not to be accused of fakery?
People will hear what they want to hear.
Like Nuke says, "You decide."
Mr. Grey, you are starting to sound DESPERAT.