The Last Witch Hunter (2015 Movie – Vin Diesel) Official Trailer – “Awakening”

Live Forever. Hunt Forever. The Last Witch Hunter – Now Playing In Theaters. Find Showtimes! Starring Vin Diesel, Elijah Wood, Rose Leslie and Michael Caine.
Featuring a cover of The Rolling Stones’ “Paint It Black,” recorded by Ciara exclusively for The Last Witch Hunter.
The modern world holds many secrets, but by far the most astounding is that witches still live among us; vicious supernatural creatures intent on unleashing the Black Death upon the world and putting an end to the human race once and for all. Armies of witch hunters have battled this unnatural enemy for centuries, including Kaulder, a valiant warrior who many years ago slayed the all-powerful WITCH QUEEN, decimating her followers in the process. In the moments right before her death, the Queen cursed KAULDER with immortality, forever separating him from his beloved wife and daughter. Today, Kaulder is the last living hunter who has spent his immortal life tracking down rogue witches, all the while yearning for his long-lost family. However, unbeknownst to Kaulder, the Witch Queen has been resurrected and seeks revenge on her killer, leading to an epic battle that will determine the survival of mankind.
Summit Entertainment presents, a Mark Canton / One Race Films / Goldmann Pictures production.
Thank you great movie

I swear the era of 2010's was a Golden era for CGI based Fiction/Adventurous Genre!!! Vin Diesel performance was Voice award winning here. His voice was so perfect for Witch Hunter especially when he said "By Iron & Fire" Total goosebumps & Ygritte always play characters where dreamwalkers involved and Frodo always play character where an Evil Insect Involved lol. btw watching Frodo as villain kinda weird.
How'd this get missed by me
Annnd I'm just figuring out this exists now because….
It's hilarious that witches and evil think they have any power over the hand of God. In this spiritual battlefield it'll be a one way battle everyone in the entire universe against the hand of God NO CONTEST.
Best horror movie like this
I watched this movie by accident with no expectations. I surprisingly really enjoyed it. It's a great pop-corn movie to chill out too.
Как называется фильм подскажите пожалуйста
Esta pelicula quiero en español
Концовка слишком сказочная,но детям понравится.
Im blessed to have #you as my hero #saint

Tamang nood lang para sa comic strip
شنو اسم لفلم
come on,lionsgate,where's the sequel? I NEED IT!!!
The Last Witch Hunter (2015) ⮘ f'u'l'l M'o'V'i'E ⮘
`All Subtitle`


la Nouvelle-Orléans, un adolescent marchand et un policier local doivent faire équipe avec un ancien soldat pour
_faire tomber le groupe responsable de sa fabrication.""""
ê Lorsqu'une pilule qui donne aux utilisateurs cinq minutes de super pouvoirs inattendus arrive dans les rues de
Perfect example of PG13 movie which can go dark, so Disney can push the limit in darker movies like Blade, Moonknight, Ghost Rider
Good movie
1:35 made me laugh
dominic toretto is a witch hunter
Vin Diesel also played Kaulder the Witch Hunter (a character he created in his adolescence, from what I've read) in a certain D&D game:
thank you
The song Ciara-Paint It,Black
Is this based on a book?
You know nothing Riddick.
Wann kommt das Ding in Deutsch auf DVD 'raus?
Buyer beware. Really horrible subliminal message justifying the murder of thousands by murderous intolerant religious extremists.
This movie looks so good, also Ciara's cover of "Paint it Black" sounds awesome! A true classic.
BAHH!! Hunting witches?? u serious?? Clearly he is TOO afraid of our kind! HAIL REPTILIANS!!! HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
"Say Witch Hunter"
"Witch Hunter"
I love that XD
Ciara – Paint it black (soundtrack)
Do you…Like me….Find yourself checking Youtube every single day….To see if the full version of Ciara,s cover of "Paint it Black" has been posted ????…..I need that tune like I need oxygen !!
i hope we would watch it in the cinema of the Philippines
Sountrack is rare shit
Why does this have to be a freakin' Christian Hollywood Witch Hunting movie where, as flippin' usual, all the "Witches" are stereotypically "evil" and have to be killed in the name of "God"?! And why the ever F**KING heck does it come out on MY BIRTHDAY of all days?!?! WHY!!! UGH, I hate christian society…