im 7 minutes into this anime and the vibes are pretty good. im so intrigued by this opening alone. theres so much anime out there that i just cant bring myself to continue due to the first 3 minutes but this is the exception and i havent even seen the main character yet
I never watched WHR in my youth. But a dude from a FB told me to watch a lot of those Sunrise animes. This OP amazing but also Sunrise had a thing for good soundtracks
Level 37 here… man, I loved this show back in the day. I won´t say stuff today is worse, but they sure are not like they used to be. What a banger song!
I cant stand the troupe of Grown Men fawning after Under Age Girl but, give me a story with an Under Age Girl fawning after a Man Too Old for her??? Im all over it!
Just look at the way she Longs for him omg shes sho young, so hopelessly infatuated she cant control herself its like watching someone in a gay panic, just the most awkward social/emotional footwork you could Ever hope to witness. Much like Aska for Kanji in Evangelion. You have to love the underage to over aged unobtainable dynamic.
i've been looking for this show and i swear adult swim used to run it at night but I was surprised that no list from adult swim has listed it, maybe it aired on a different channel network? Either way glad I found it.
Two souls – A gloomy man and a young woman who knows not about herself; both trying to live in a judgmental and persecutive society. The man, having a traumatizing childhood and fears of becoming one of the persecuted, decided to dedicate his life to what he believe was the right thing. Hence, his life became something that fits the NIN song “Everyday is Exactly the Same” like a glove. He has this otherwordly charm that draws others to him yet at the same time, keeps them away due to his doom and gloom personality and appearance. When the young woman came to his life, one that could potentially require him to cross the gray area of morality, he breaks up with his obligatory girlfriend (possibly someone he decided to hook up with just to rise to the ranks within his workplace since she is the boss’ daughter). While he came to terms with his true nature thanks to his daily missions involving the young woman; his once monotonous life was shaken to its very core. From “Everyday is Exactly the Same,” his life is now “The Hand that Feeds.” Jeez, and did I mention the guy looks like…Reznor? ^^
The nostalgia is real with this one.
I borrowed this DVD from the library a while back in high school me and my mom watched it together good time
Estoy aquí por Alain Gasga
A época dos personagens emos, e meios Evanescence. Bons tempos.
Miss these days so much
I was 17 when I first watched. Now I’m turning 21 :,) time really flies. Forever in my heart
It is such a shame they didn't keep this show going.
im 7 minutes into this anime and the vibes are pretty good. im so intrigued by this opening alone. theres so much anime out there that i just cant bring myself to continue due to the first 3 minutes but this is the exception and i havent even seen the main character yet
20 years later, this OP still gives me goosebumps.
damn its already been 22 years since this came out
!'m 49 now and remember watching this in L.A. when I was 25!

I remember download this in DC++ oh a long time ago. Took me 2 or 3 weeks. Worth it!
38 now .. flashback to when i was 18 and remember singing along for catharsis
I never watched WHR in my youth. But a dude from a FB told me to watch a lot of those Sunrise animes. This OP amazing but also Sunrise had a thing for good soundtracks
Loved that Madonnas Take A Bow video inspired this opening.
Sharing my friend's cover.
Thank you Pierre Bernard
This intro fucking slaps holy shit.
its been likem 20 years and this opening still lives rent free in my head
Level 37 here… man, I loved this show back in the day. I won´t say stuff today is worse, but they sure are not like they used to be. What a banger song!
oh wow! I missed this anime. I used to watch on animenetwork channel. Wow bring backs memories
The anime is very boring, but damn, this is one of or my favorite opening
I cant stand the troupe of Grown Men fawning after Under Age Girl but, give me a story with an Under Age Girl fawning after a Man Too Old for her??? Im all over it!
Just look at the way she Longs for him omg
shes sho young, so hopelessly infatuated she cant control herself
its like watching someone in a gay panic, just the most awkward social/emotional footwork you could Ever hope to witness. Much like Aska for Kanji in Evangelion. You have to love the underage to over aged unobtainable dynamic.
These were anime's last good years…..Much as still like anime there are VERY few series I watch from the current years
Love the opening
This intro hits so hard. I could only watch this on the kids channel really late at night.
Got alanis morseet vibes
Bro i never knew the name just watched somr episodes. Thank god ytvretro posted this
Me encanta ese estilo super gótico que tiene ouhh yeahhh
Pretty nostalgic Even tho i never seen
Yo en pleno 2023 y aún amo.
cyberpunk sasuke
i've been looking for this show and i swear adult swim used to run it at night but I was surprised that no list from adult swim has listed it, maybe it aired on a different channel network? Either way glad I found it.
The art in this era was so much better than crap nowadays
Watched this every Friday night on Bionix (YTV). Trained me really well for staying up during late nights but honestly…
I wished that I watched this one subbed instead of dubbed on TV.
I remember waking up in the early morning and seeing this on ytv as a kid.
tear of nostalgia falls
Two souls – A gloomy man and a young woman who knows not about herself; both trying to live in a judgmental and persecutive society. The man, having a traumatizing childhood and fears of becoming one of the persecuted, decided to dedicate his life to what he believe was the right thing. Hence, his life became something that fits the NIN song “Everyday is Exactly the Same” like a glove. He has this otherwordly charm that draws others to him yet at the same time, keeps them away due to his doom and gloom personality and appearance. When the young woman came to his life, one that could potentially require him to cross the gray area of morality, he breaks up with his obligatory girlfriend (possibly someone he decided to hook up with just to rise to the ranks within his workplace since she is the boss’ daughter). While he came to terms with his true nature thanks to his daily missions involving the young woman; his once monotonous life was shaken to its very core. From “Everyday is Exactly the Same,” his life is now “The Hand that Feeds.”
Jeez, and did I mention the guy looks like…Reznor? ^^
This theme is beautiful. A mix of late 90s post grunge alternative meets early 2000s emo.
One of the most underwatched anime
I love everyone from the comments
My nostalgia)
I vote for japanese psuedoalternative
Japan is so beautiful
This is my Ottawa 2023 Saving Peoples Lives theme song.