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THE PARANORMAL IS REAL – We Did NOT Expect This To Happen!

A night we will never forget!

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00:00 Real Paranormal Activity
07:19 I’m About To PASS OUT!
15:12 Paranormal Investigation
20:13 Alone In The Dark
30:30 We Have To Come Back
THE PARANORMAL IS REAL – We Did NOT Expect This To Happen!


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  1. This video was absolutely incredible! I've loved your guys' stuff for a while but this was something different for me. Those noises you guys heard reminded me of something I experience in an abandoned care home too, sounds of babies crying throughout the hallways, and after searching for 3 hours there was definitely no baby, but still the crying occurred. You guys are literally my inspiration and this video has cemented your status for me.
    I've become a member of the channel from today, you guys have earned it! Keep it up please!

  2. Thing is if there really is intelligent ghosts that are able to interact with us why wouldn’t of one of them already of done it surely one would of spoke to their friends and family, I’m not a skeptic i believe Ive really seen a ghost but I don’t think this trying to speak to them is ever going to work

  3. Seriously Griff, paranormal apart, constant stress, adrenalin overload and being overweight (sorry) is a recipie for a heart attack, also sleep apnea. Get checked out .

  4. I do believe the voices you captured are not fake and setup.
    I think you were at the property at the right time and captured a residual haunt.
    These types of hauntings are on a loop, they are rare but enough energy present in a dead property could trigger activity.
    I think you guys did that from your devices and physical energy. Griff felt off maybe he was being drained so that the spirits could communicate.
    I believe this is a couple speaking to each other telling one another how they feel and it's attaching itself to your energy and on a spiritual loop, then it vanished and the property went dead.

  5. The exact same thing happened to two friends and I when we investigated Denbigh Asylum in Wales in the daytime. We knew it was a really popular place although difficult to get into but there was so much noise of moving around and the sound of voices from the floor above that we just assumed it was another group looking around the place. As we climbed the stairs we called out loudly that we were just another team investigating and didn't want to scare them. I was worried we were going to cause someone heart failure. As we reached the upper floor the sounds completely stopped and it was deadly silent. There wasn't a living soul. The voices you recorded were really impressive, the giggle/laughter was sooo….creepy. Amazing how such a building can just be abandoned that way. What a waste.

  6. There's some amazing evidence in this one. Very clear voices caught among other things, but Griff, ya gotta take care of yourself. I hope the symptoms you were experiencing was paranormal, but they appeared very heart related to me, and that was pretty scary to watch. I've been playing catch up with yall's vids so I know I'm pretty late to this one, but I hope you're doing a lot better now ❤

  7. So this is what makes me mad about u guys and other YouTubers When u guys go to a haunted abandoned building and u get evidence yet ohh no it’s not a spirit it has to be someone cuz they were heavy footsteps or they were loud whispers or something. Almost like ur convincing urself it’s not real and u don’t want to believe it. If u only want to have little rem pod hits or k2 spikes then u shouldn’t be doing paranormal stuff. Cuz it can be worse and stronger evidence like slamming doors or physical attacks. Almost like u don’t want to do this type of videos. Yet I know u guys so cuz u been doing it for long. I love the videos cuz u guys do debunk crap evidence

  8. Residual noises perhaps, when you think about it, countless staff have run up and down those stairs and the voice sounded female to me. what is the history of this house that could give more clues?. very interesting and a great location. earphones are a must to appreciate hearing paranormal events. I can understand from a health and safety point of view that the building in the event of a fire would be a logistical nightmare to evacuate. Thanks, guys xx

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