We’ve NEVER SEEN Paranormal Activity Like This – Shepton Mallet Prison

We return to the most haunted buildings in the UK, Shepton Mallet Prison.
This was one of the scariest investigations we have ever done with so much activity kicking off right from the moment we started filming.
Get ready as we take you into the world of survival horror
Watch at your own risk!
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Shepton Mallet Part 1
#paranormal #caughtontape #scary
Who's ready for us to return here for Part 3 in the future?
This place just never fails to deliver
Should make a movie
Love you Guys so Genuine and funny but I get scared
love Griff
i can't believe all that happens so glad I found you're channel

I live in shepton mallet
Try using the Alice box
i know this is a older video but i love it
Absolutely loved it!! You guys are great and I love watching your videos!!!
You guys are legends. Beardo sent me. Nice 1 chaps.
The birds on the roof at the beginning really had them spooked
Amazing evidence
Pidgeons that’s got hobnailed boots
Haunted is haunted, buddy. Day or night activity will hit. But at night the vale is weekend that's why u tend to get more activity at night.
Been here felt very uneasy and that was daytime
Love you guys your fab

I'm a bit late to the party, but just wanted to say it's such a shame SM is closing its gates to the public. It's the end of an era
Great evidence guys, and I've had some bits and pieces over the years there too, along with a cracking photo outside the 1600s cells, and myself and my guests ALL heard a piano being played whilst we were in B wing. We tried to replicate with the piano in the Chapel, but couldn't. Keep up the great invests guys. Love it 

Absolutely amazing that they actually knock on command very good
Surely that's someone having a bit of a laugh at the beginning?
I'm writing the comment only 7.22 seconds in …that knocking which you've just said sounds like pipes is amazing …talk about on command as well ….but anyone who's been unfortunate enough to have been in prison would know prisons knock on the pipes to get attention from other cells it's a common accurance ….( I'll probably press play now and it'll get debunked lol )
Guys, this is a bit late, obviously, and not sure if you're interested. I have a son who "sees". He watched the first 20 mins with me. He said a male human shadow (when you went up the stairs and heard the whistle) … he peeked out from a cell and then ran out toward you and past you to go make the knocking noises. So, whatever it is, its form was human at least then, and now we're on the side where that extra dude saw the shadow – lines up with son's seeing it. Said it enjoyed playing with you, that it liked you both. Anyhoo, probably sound mad, but there you are, if it helps. xxx
i do know for a fact shepton malat prison is hornted as i dune 18mths in their back in 1997.
I live in Shepton mallet and finally went around the prison today with my beautiful wife. I've always heard how paranormal active this place is but have been a bit sceptical. Today in a few places around prison i felt sick and in one room i felt really dizzy to the point my vision was being affected. I first thought it was mind playing tricks on me i mentioned this to my wife and she said she felt the same. I really want to do a paranormal hunt around there now.
Would love to see a return investigation here! Great episode
Never see anything but lots what's that..,!!!
I'm impressed guy's, a pigeon and you didn't notice it! I was surprised to see it

I saw a dark shadow at the very beginning
Maybe the knocks above were from a maintenance worker.
I watched this slowed down as thought I seen something and at around 2.20 you can see shadows walking across the landing above
Usually doesn't matter if it's light or day paranormal activities going to happen is going to happen yes some entities prefer the dark While others don't realize if it's light dark hot cold more of a residual