Haunted 360°: Rolling Hills Asylum

Rolling Hills Asylum, formerly known as Genesee County Poor Farm, is a renowned haunted site. With over 1,700 deaths and numerous unmarked graves on the premises, it possesses a rich and intriguing history.
It appears that YouTube disables chat on 360 videos when they are playing
I wish you wouldn’t use the camera that makes you look 2’tall. LOL. It makes me dizzy with that “fun house” effect
I've always wanted to visit. I grew up nearby in Lockport but live upstate now. I'm going to try to work it into my schedule when I go home for a visit. My neice's fiance was on a paranormal team years ago and still has equipment. He's investigated there before and said he'd like to do it again.
We've been fans since Ghosthunters in the 00's. Met Jason and the TAPS crew at Dragon con a couple times in there. Since then we've watched the various iterations, spin-offs, reboots, knock-offs etc. THIS series though is much closer to what we always wanted in a paranormal investigation show. Quiet, methodical, mature with a longer duration of investigation. Just cameras and microphones. No spirit boxes, diving rods, Ouija boards, orbs, estes method, dream journals, musical stings, mediums, demons, "dark entities" attaching themselves to you. This is probably the more straight forward series. Thank you! Our only request is utilize more static cameras so you guys can have more eyes on different areas even if you're not in them.
We always wanted a reality show that took 2 teams. 1 team is made up of believers and investigators and the other team is made up of people simply thinking they're a crew doing a deep clean on a historic building over a weekend. The paranormal group is told they're investigating a haunted building. The building they're staying in isn't haunted. It hasn't got any claim to fame on the paranormal tourism circuit. But for the investigators they're told it is. For the normal people there's zero prior talk of haunting. Then their weekends are recorded. Will believers automatically find something or assign meaning to random noises. Will ordinary people go about their business and encounter nothing if there is never a "haunted" label thrown around? How much of something is the power of suggestion? And if you have zero prior knowledge about a place but experience things is that more impactful. This could be a good experiment because you can tweak the mixture of participants to see how suggestion impacts perception.
only need 3 to stop from the stairs
I do not like the 360 at all but that’s me just find it so distracting and all over the place
Omg that’s so cool seeing things in 360 degrees. Can you film other locations in this way, too?
When will you do a video of Waverly Hills Sanatorium. That's where you and Grant caught the multiple voices EVP.
Jason, please hire a camera person. Saw lots of feet, wheels, floors, bottom of things and not what you were seeing. Had to close my eyes and just listen…
So glad you are still making Ghost Hunter videos. Do you have a schedule?
Was Roy a childhood friend of Jim's?
Toearoni isn't as messed up as Peckeroni.
I knew a Pat Fleming too in insurance!
I think Port City Paranormal went there in 2010 or 2011. It needed a lot of work back then.
loving these video's om my Oculus. things look so different then they do on TV. Now we need one from Waverly Hills. now that would be an awesome video
This is dope
Loved this!! Thanks for the tour!
I find this difficult to watch too much talking.
Met Jason this year at Penn Hurst we talked about your uncle working at the hospital in Rochester NY. Your uncle and my parents lived on the same street.great guy
When you are talking about 'giving you a treatment' TS: 29:52. You say 'yep' and it sounds like a woman's voice says "yep", too. Glitch?
At 27:47 a mist appears to travel from one room across the hall to another.
360 is so brilliant. Jason. I'm going to have to watch this many times just to get the full immersion!
I remember 18 years ago with you guys made.
That episode of ghost hunters
I would imagine that the pizza ovens were put in when it was The Pour House before it was the asylum
Wow That place looks a lot different then it did when we went there about 13-14 years ago… the Christmas room I got nauseous. I was wondering if it was still open? She's done an amazing job cleaning the building up!
Definitely worth the trip to go there. 
What 360 camera did you guy use ?
video playing..i can chat!
Hey guys, Elias Howe invented the sewing machine and sold it to Singer who then patterned it. I am a descendent of Elias Howe and also Julia Ward Howe who wrote the Song "Battle Hymn of the Republic. Great tour
7:10 why all the fake cobwebs
The 360 is awesome, super cool to see other things as you do the tour.
You guys went there after I did
Very cool history. I got weird vibes just looking at the building l property 360°
It'd be a really cool property to visit
lol those are milk crates not chicken coops.
Hey, what you take if you have a new house to build, is there any reason for a spirit move in???
I love driving by on the way to Batavia every now and then. Such a beautiful property
I love when you guys do the 360 videos !!!!
I love these 360s!
nobody died there. the people who own that property made up the story of those ghosts, lmao… it was the areas old brewery.
I was there this past Saturday. Cool hunt.
My father-in-law was in a tuberculosis hospital in Batavia. Actually, it is an easy drive from Rochester/Chili, NY.