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MY WORST EXPERIENCE – Real Paranormal (UK’s Most HAUNTED Places)

We team up with @GhostTheory for a night we will never forget.
This will easily go down as one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had while doing a paranormal investigation!

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00:00 Intro
06:20 Paranormal Investigation Starts
13:49 Paranormal Activity
21:36 Heading Back Upstairs
31:23 Outro
MY WORST PARANORMAL EXPERIENCE – Real Paranormal (UK’s Most HAUNTED Abandoned Places)

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  1. Poor old Ste 😂 At least it wasn’t like a friend who thought they were jumping onto a large stone, but it was in fact, a cowpat! Phew! That was something else and our stomachs hurt for hours after laughing!

  2. Poor Ste! Go, Joe! Hero, pulling him out so fast. Ohhh, I remember that episode in this house with the lads. Duuuuuuuudes – the sound of the "girl" was imitating Ste's whistle, note for note, just a different pitch I think. Poor Ste looks so cold. You guys all together really rock it!

  3. Grown men standing in a empty room talking to a cheap plastic box with flashy LED's isn't the height of scientific research, is it?! 😂😂 I like the Ouija Bros, they seem like decent dudes, but sadly paranormal youtube is without doubt the most fake content creators on the Internet. And if they were legit, the scientific community would be all over this stuff and yet they are not. Sack the Retarded gadgets off and stick to cameras and digital recorders, becoz all the other Shite paranormal teams put their faith in are just gimmicks and about as credible and genuine as a Tory Politician. 😂😂😂

  4. Love your videos.. havent long found you so working my way backwards. But one of your friends Adam Mark video came up and it was Sally's house i think where she was murdered.. he was scared and things happened big time.. Question is, have you been there if not its one to do for sure. Sha try and find it again to make sure name is right.. he did it about a year ago i think.. if you have done it please tell me how i can find it on your channel . Thanks. Stay safe boys.
    Sally's Abandoned Murdered house 2 years ago..By Adam Mark Explorers.

  5. Hey guys! Been a far too long away from watching your content! Loving the new intro and as you know Ste, I always love your productions! Watching you guys again is how it's ment to be, another great invest, got a few weeks of co tent to catch up on now :D, hopefully catch up with you both again

  6. Maybe you should come to my house? You won’t believe what we’ve been through. We’ve been having major problems since the mid 1970s. We’ve been terrified and just when you think it’s finally gone it’s back. We know it’s not attached to the home because it’s even been on holiday with us. I honestly believe there is no escape from this. We’ve had the Catholic Church but nothing worked. No matter what my family’s done to try to help it’s always come back. My mum thinks it’s ever since she sat with our neighbour while she used the spirit board seeing whether her husband was having affair. Unfortunately what ever they were speaking with had no interest in their questions but it kept saying the same thing it had a message for my Dad about his mother’s murder. After that my mum ran out the house. That when it all started.
    What we’ve been through is worse then any horror story. Nothing can prepare you for a real paranormal experience. We’ve refused to sell our story all we want is a normal life without the world knowing our names. It’s nothing to be proud of we just want to live a normal life without threat all the time.

  7. Im clairsentient and have had contact with spirit's since I was five. Not many; it's not a constant, thank the Goddess, but I'd love to do an investigation with these guy's when I visit the U.K next year. Will have to set my intention for the universe to manifest it! Really like these men. Good energy. Blessed be.

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