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My Poison Sniper Contagion Mercenary Witchhunter Starter Plan/Theorycraft for Path of Exile 2

It was pretty fun theory-crafting some fun stuff for my mercenary league starter. Beware this is not a build guide because the game has not been released yet. I want to share my ideas on this High-Velocity Round Poison stacking and some potential interactions to scale for progression early.

ZiggyD Mercenary video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLP1oODaZTE
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PoE 2 Passives Skill Tree: https://marcoaaguiar.github.io/poe2-tree/
PoE 2 Skill Gems Template: https://poe2skills.com/
PoE 2 Database: https://poe2db.tw/us
00:00 – Intro
01:38 – Early Game Beginner Tips
04:13 – Gems Setup for Early & Midgame
07:27 – Skill Trees & Notable discussion Offensively and Defensively
14:25 – Some potential setups
My PoE 2 early access breakdown: https://youtu.be/g9AK5Awcp60
Pick the best class and ascendancy in PoE 2: https://youtu.be/AO39ixBChV4
Mercenary Witchhunter full ascendancy breakdown: https://youtu.be/vMAeuWMy4mA
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  1. My mistake on the 15% maximum life as armor node. It means the other way around, that you gain extra armor of 15% maximum life.
    Otherwise, it would be too OP, but it's still a good node to take either way since we'll get life from gears and stack armor early game, and apparently getting max elemental res is now an endgame goal.

  2. about the links in the desciption, i notice the skill gems and the passive tree links are empty, like there is no points spent on the passive skill tree, idk if its just me or im not seeing it somehow

  3. That's right, the best survival strategy is to freeze enemies.

    Unfortunately, don't get freeze in main skill, just have to play the piano to get it separately.

    Your videos are always interesting, thank you.

  4. You get flat Armour from 15% of max hp. Try to use cast on freeze to apply mark or do damage with cold snap if you focus cold damage, for fire damage use flame wall and skill with fire exposure. In addition, any flat damage is huge boost, so herald of ash can be usefull at the beginning of campaign, when we don't have much items.

  5. I'm thinking a hybrid Xbow/Qstaff start would be pretty solid, taking Frozen Locus instead of permafrost bolts. Locus hops you backwards and spawns ice crystal which either the mobs break and get frozen or you hit with frag rounds to explode, which should freeze the enemies and prime them for a second frag round explosion.
    I'm mainly looking forward to the artillery style Xbow skills at higher levels. They've only showed one of them and the skill hasn't been talked about at all from what I've seen. Looks to be 3 variants of lightning/cold/fire, last one being at the same tier as Plasma Blast and Cluster Grenade. Unfortunately Merc is like… 3rd or 4th on my list of things I want to try.

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