The Mothman of Point Pleasant | Haunted Places (and Coffee)

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Is she still online?
I will drink regular coffee hot, that new coffee ice ream mocha ect… I pass

By the way the way you put your face after drinking is gold

I just drink dunking donut regular coffee hot no latte can't get thru that coffee n ice

did you heard the leyend of ongs hat? you should tell the story, I live 5 minutes from there, I was 16 and I did remember what happens, the book will tell you but really I was caos ovethere, the military was involved close the whole Forrest it was way different from the book
I loveeeeeeeee this series. I hope you continue it! I’m a bit late to the party.
I’m happy that Wild Wonderful West Virginia was mentioned. So many stories here, Mothman is great.
love it and sometimes taking awhile in between makes it even more exciting when it comes out.this was a fascinating and creepy one, thanks for telling it!!
I’ve been following your channel since the beginning and lemme just say I LOVE THIS NEW CONTENT! Please make more of this series, it soothes and intrigues my spooky lil heart
You rock Leah! Moffman is my fave cryptid xD
Just thought about you , came to check in the channel (I’ve been subscribed for YEARS ) and was pleasantly surprised! This is a great series! That’s awesome
hi hun, I love that movie. it makes me more sad then scared. I would love to go to the vestibule. I love you. hugs.

This was really cool. I was intrigued by the movie for sure! This was like a walk down memory lane. You're so lucky you live so nearby Point Pleasant. I hope you are able to check out all these haunted historic locations and take us virtually with you!!
Yes or No mothman is real or not?
Oh I saw tv show peoples talking about moth man with red eye. It’s very scare. Does you believe into mothman? Parmonant peoples going to on film and listen sound screen or voice. I saw on tv. I am first time to see. But I don’t like it. Do you know mothman is dead? Anyway thank you so much for stories.

Jersey Devil Please??????
I would be stunned if I saw the mothman, it is amazing how could you move unless it is out of fear.
Me personally I did know this existed until I started playing Fallout 76. And even then I still didn't want to believe it.
I'm not much of a coffee drinker but I brewed up a cup of tea and I'll watch and enjoy! Thank you for these videos Leah.
Also! A very scary place that I would personally love to know more about and that was said to be haunted was Danvers State Hospital in Massachusetts. It was a mental institution, and I believe they perfected the ice pick lobotomy there. Unfortunately, most of it got demolished in the 90s I think, but the history, what I know of it (which isnt much) is pretty freaky.
I am absolutely loving this series
Oh cool. Yeah, Ive read the book and seen the movie – very interesting case. The festival sounds cool – wouldnt mind going there myself. And fight, flight or freeze? I freeze too. :o)
vid !! I loved that movie, Mothman Prophecy !! I always liked strange events, etc ..Also, I'm from Ohio ♥️ (Columbus born)
Nice’s job Leah i don’t like monster energy drink they taste weird for me
This one of my favorite stories. I've seen the movie a long while back and really need to see it again. Also, I want to go to Point Pleasant someday.
I went to a late night screening of The Mothman Prophecies when the movie came out, really must watch it again. Also I think it's an awesome idea to travel to places like this and vlog it. Great video.
I was hoping you would talk about this! The mothman prophecies is my favorite movie!
My new ritual I see your video pop up on my notifications and I have to curl up in bed to watch immediately if not sooner to gain my spooky knowledge for the week.
Another great story! I would like to see the Moth Man festival someday too, although that amount of people sounds like a nightmare for me. Crowds are hard to deal with for sure. Also I just watched your vlog where you mentioned how bad that drink was so I was very curious about your initial reaction to finding out it was awful. Yikes, now I know what NOT to buy! Love you Mouse!
I remember watching The Mothman Prophecies. It’s such an interesting yet terrifying story. As a Monster Energy person, I have not tried that exact flavor but a few other coffee drinks and they’re not that bad. Caffeinated coffee is something else
This history is really good and rich the faked that there is a moth man is very interesting if there were demons on earth we are screwed if you ever seen supernatural it is crazy the coffee you drank Leah doesn't look good all I have to say Leah stay away from monster I had a employee that drinks those and she endded up in the hospital I was very scared and I told her stick to water
This story has always been interesting to me