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Path Of Exile 2 Build Diary: Witchhunter

A video going over my experiences and thoughts playing witchhunter. Not a build guide by any means for reasons I explain in the video but just a general explanation of the character from my perspective of playing it!

Link to Fubgun’s Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrJ7ZDHwZR8

00:12 Mapping Showcase
2:08 Defenses
4:01 Leveling Build Problems
6:50 Talking about the Ascendancy
11:29 Explaining Triple Herald
18:06 Passive Tree
20:25 Gear
22:14 Outro

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  1. i agree with the single target problem. im running deadeye with shockburst and i always have a hard time dealing with bosses. its either im dead 90% of the time or the boss is slow and i can land a few hits of plasma blast to give it shock. any tips or should i just weapon swap to bow in bosses?

  2. There’s a unique glove that converts all elemental damage into 33% chunks, painters gloves. Would that help optimize your damage spread and still stack with the heralds? I’m cooking on a build with the gloves myself but don’t have the ability to test them.

  3. So I have this built, and I've been trying to solve the bossing problem. I've found that incendiary shot with duration and magnitude to proc shock with shockburst rounds can partially solve this problem. With chance to shock on the tree, this can probably become pretty consistent – let me know if you try and it works for you.

  4. I felt in the same boat about WH thinking, "oh, this was a huge mistake." It just looked cool and fun. Now that I'm working on this kind of build, it's way better, but I still can't consistently proc Innervate and Biting Cold on the heralds. But that's gonna be a gear solution. Great videos, though. They help a lot.

  5. @klovehitch do you think you could link a maxroll for your crossbow build? i know you dont want to make a full build showcase/guide yet, but trying to mess around with it to tweak it and having to skip around the video to try a gleam what gems you have on which gems and stuff lol. love the content man. glad your channel is popping off!

  6. I admire the approach to the build and really enjoyed the video.

    100% agree with your gripes about xbow, specifically the reload mechanic. I kind of wish we had a “Bolt Pouch” or something akin to that. But I imagine an entirely different item type is a pipe dream at this stage of development.

    I’ve been running with triple herald/x bow for two weeks. I’ve landed on Shockburst Rounds for my single target with this setup, I highly suggest it if it’s something you haven’t tried yet.

    Thanks for the content 👍

  7. currently playing a WH with galvanic shards and shockburst and i can say that shockburst in the campaign was like putting hte game on easy mode and i think it will scale very well in the endgame – pretty much the only real boss melting skill on Xbow if you actually want to shoot something.

    Wh himself is a kinda weird ascendency – in theory the skills would let you use single target skills without damage and still let you whipe maps because you decimate, then cull then trigger the aoe. In reality you still need damage and AOE clear is usually not the problem in this game…. so you get the decimate and cull on bosses and maybe the shield and thats kinda it….

    compared to other acendencies (tons of move spead and second arrow or being able to use support gems twice) it often feels lackluster for the endgame but kinda good during campaign – but what use is that if you cannot respecc.

  8. Bro, please continue to bitch the entire time. Every time you slip into spite or anger about something, I'm busting up laughing. From like 2:003:10 I've watch a bunch just dying of laughter lol all of your videos are great. Don't stop and keep up the bitching. It's the best lol

  9. There is a ring for culling strike that increases the threshold of it by 100% ive yet to use it since its base stats are ass and i cant sacrifice any of my rings for that, but it could be something that makes culling strike be a bit stronger and consistent

  10. Recommend you try shockburst rounds for single target, the pulse DPS vs shocked is even higher than the beam DPS you get from galvanic shards. The way I use it is galvanic shards + voltaic mark to apply shock almost instantly, then switch to shockburst rounds and melt them down. At max quality you can get +7 rounds to shockburst so you can machine gun longer before reloading, also the support that makes it so you got a chance it won't consume a bolt can stretch the clip out even more. Biggest downside is that it's a channeled skill that can be interrupted if you have to dodge roll, also the hassle of having to reapply shock again.

  11. Love the video.
    I have an extremely similar build to you, but yeah i feel you with the single target.
    For bossing i open with Plasma burst and then shockburst round for INSANE single target damage.

    I weapon swap bow to combine the voltaic mark with stormcaller for bosses that survive the plasma burst + shockburst.
    (Inspired by Ds lily deadeye build)

    I always go Reload Speed on Gems, have all the passive nodes for it, and attack speed also affects reload speed.

  12. I've been playing my LA Ranger more recently and been farming the last Sekema boss so easily. I swapped back to my Witch Hunter that was my first toon that I played Gas Grenade with the Ignite unique helm. I got to the last boss in Sekema on him as well and holy shit I did zero damage to him and just rotted down eventually. I don't really want to invest all the divs required to support a boss kill build on it. I even tried minmaxing my current setup with weapon swapping to a bow to apply a 35% damage increase from shock but still negative boss dam on real bosses.

  13. Witch hunter is very poorly designed with its ascendancy points. Both Decimating Strike and Culling Strike are available as Uniques for any character to put on, so it ends up being a band-aid for some mediocre perks you could have picked up anyways. Culling Strike on the ascendancy should absolutely be replaced. Maybe something along the lines of the "less health an enemy has the more damage you do to them" which would improve the synergy with Decimating Strike, making you get that damage ramp up faster.

  14. I'm currently running a dual herald (ice and thunder) monk and it actually feels so freaking good, heralds are the best.

    I like that you are calling these "Build Diaries". I'm new to PoE, and am trying to learn how to make builds myself but have always just run into a wall at some point, and need to look up a guide. But at that point it doesn't feel like I'm learning anything. This feels more educational about how to approach building vs "here's what is op"

  15. Viperesque (GGG dev who posted in the PoE 2 section of the Discord a lot in the months leading up to launch) said that bleed was discovered in testing to be absolutely nut-bustingly broken and would shred bosses. So I'm assuming they gutted it leading into EA as a measure to avoid that knowing they could tune it up later down the line as needed. So not surprised to hear that you couldn't squeeze much damage out of it.

  16. Just as a heads up, the testing I've seen shows that going past 100 magic find doesn't do much. So you don't have to go too crazy with it (though it still needs to be addressed).

  17. Crossbow question:
    Is there some sort of mechanic that does something like 'interrupts crossbow reload when cursor changes location'? I don't know how to describe it or whether it is a bug, but I'm hopeful someone will understand what I'm referring to. I'm playing on ps5, so using controller inputs.

  18. For my witch hunter, I use the lightning bolt arrow (I forget the name off the top of my head) on a bow then swap back to my crossbow for shockburst rounds. Has yet to not melt any boss I come across

    You can also do ball lightning into lightning warp. The shock on lightning warp’s shocked ground is guaranteed as long as the enemy is standing in it, so you can just get the lowest gem tier needed and not have to worry too much about stacking int

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