The Last Witch Hunter – Movie Review

Chris Stuckmann reviews The Last Witch Hunter, starring Vin Diesel, Elijah Wood, Rose Leslie, Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, Julie Engelbrecht, Michael Caine. Directed by Breck Eisner.
This movie was surprisingly good and imaginative. There will always be negatives in any movie even movies people consider masterpieces. If you nitpick every little thing “wrong” with a movie you’ll never enjoy any of them.
I disagree with you in every aspect.
I feel Like this movie would be a Better Video Game
to be honest i thought this was a good movie , not to everyone taste ,worth a watch
They did, it's called the Pacifier.
god just remembered how long ago this movie was, feeling so nostalgic. and Chris is so young in this video , how the days have gone ……….!!!!!!!!
Chris,you are describing a hypothetical movie and you shouldnt be sure this would be hilarious even if they had made it a comedy, thats a pretty broad assessment. Playing this nonsense straight actually worked,the concept is so out there,making it a comedy would be shooting fish in a barrel. Diesel has never been a very good actor but the role doesnt require much more than charisma and in that regard,he works . Totally decent watch undeserving of its measly 18% at RT.
Light-headed…..of course….. everything has to be a marvel movie now
This movie is amazing! Cult Classic is in the making!
I like this movie
Yet you say lake mungo was really good and was scary. There is not one moment in Lake Mungo that is scary except the moment u realize u got stuckmanized into watching another shitty movie that is the polar opposite of scary
You suck as a critic. You know you liked the movie and you are just being a vin diesel hater.
its far better than you would normally expect from a box office flop. Mind you a lot of what I don't like is just VIn Diesal, he just can't act for shit.
I loved it. Can't wait for the 2nd one
First time I saw I didn't think much of it But I didn't think it was a bad movie. But the more I watched it the more I wanted to see a sequel.
I enjoyed this movie. Not the best, but it was okay
would love to see a prequel
It wasn’t the greatest but it was a lot of fun!!
i enjoy your point ofview most of the time but ive noticed that sometimes you have this extremly bad habit of judging a movie based on what you would have done and i think your cheating yourself out of a lot of joy you cant judge a piece of art on how you would have made it sometimes maybe go into a movie like the little kid that hasnt seen every movie i promise youll have more fun
I enjoyed the movie but the betrayal at the end I saw coming from when I first met the character.
I thought it was pretty good
I completely disagree.
This movie is the epiphany of what plagiarism means. I saw Men in Black, fast and the furious, Constantine.. and those are just from the top of my head. This movie deserved an empty theatre.
Better than the mummy
Likes for the hot presenter!! Youch!!
Ummm i kinda enjoyed it!
I Iiked it
I don't understand why monster movies should be ALL funny to you. You have a very narrow view about filmmaking and story telling lmao
2:31 o.o I swear I seen you inner Vin Diesel in you chris…
Question: if the movie starr Vin Diesel, why is Edris Alba in the cover?
I liked the movie up until the point Elijah Wood was suddenly evil. It made no sense.
I didn’t like the movie as well, but this review is not very good.
Vin Diesels best acting was as Groot.
I personally liked it
This reviewer is Fcking dumb, it would ruin the movie if it was comedy and it had lots of already known faces working together which I liked
aw man I loved this movie
Hey Chris, it’s amazing you had the same experience with Bloodshot, the two reviews are sooo similar
We don´t have the same sense of humor. I love the movie the way it is. I hope you neverever make a movie yourself. THAT would be a HORROR !!
Awww I enjoy the movie though
I went to see this in theaters when it came out and I didnt know anything about, just that it had a pretty cool poster. And I enjoyed it a lot!
It could have been “Constantine” but too bad.
This is such a cool film…just watched it on Netflix and really enjoyed it…come on, show some love.
Review the witch