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Kratos vs Doomslayer #shorts

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  1. Nice edit💯. Durability goes to doomslayer as his skin is literally harder than his armor that is said that is made from hell materials and is unbreakable so😅

  2. Full scale COMP CANON Version
    my opinion:

    Physical: 🤝
    Shock/Lifting/brute strenght: kratos
    Striking strenght: 🤝
    AP: doom slayer
    DC: 🤝
    running speed: 🤝
    Travel speed: Kratos (icaro's)
    Attack speed/combat speed: doom
    Agility: doom
    Reflexes: kratos
    Reaction speed: kratos
    Reaction time: 🤝
    Flexibility: doom
    Endurance: kratos
    Stamina: 🤝
    Dura/armour: doom
    IQ: doom
    Knowledge: kratos
    Biq: dom=>
    Strategy: kratos=>
    Experience/battle experience: doom
    Gadgets: doom
    Arsenal: weapons kratos
    Power of weapons: doom
    Combat/skills/technique: kratos (tyr battle)
    Ofensive: doom
    Defensive: kratos
    Contra-attack: kratos
    Versatility: 🤝
    Dexterity: kratos=>
    Tenacity: doom
    Power: kratos (poh)
    Hax/abilites: kratos
    Feats: 🤝
    Potential: kratos (Cosmology twits Cory barlog)


    Kratos high extreme diff

  3. Based giga chad for giving IQ and BIQ to the Slayer. His overall IQ is so underrated. I personally think Doomguy wins with hax but tbh this debate is never ending they both are the most broken characters in gaming so we should vouch for them to work together instead of fight! 😀

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