به باغچه جن زده رفتم و شب اونجا موندم
وسایل خونه تکون میخوردن
با دوبله فارسی

Follow Mutak:
/ mehmetahmedii
Telegram: https://t.me/mutak6
Please, if I didn’t put the link of your song or video in the video description
Let me know via Instagram Direct so I can do it
Because I may have missed some links of the songs and they have not been saved
Thank you
Music In This Video:
Music 1:
REPULSIVE channel (REPULSIVE – homesick) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQSNy4vpglo&ab_channel=REPULSIVE
Music 2:
REPULSIVE channel (REPULSIVE – a place that was never real): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UhoIM7dHvA&ab_channel=REPULSIVE
Thank you very much for the music makers and movies used in this movie
If I haven’t left your music or movie link! Probably because I have forgotten or lost the video / music link
If you have a problem or request! Message to my Instagram
my instagram : https://www.instagram.com/mehmetahmedii/
Hello, my dear Tim Morozov, it took me seven days to dub your video into Persian and upload it to my YouTube channel. With this work, I want Persian speakers to connect with the videos on your channel, and your support is very important to me. I have loved you for many years. Good luck, my dear. @timmorozov
سلام تیم موروزوف عزیز، هفت روز طول کشید تا ویدیوی شما را به فارسی دوبله کرده و در کانال یوتیوب خود آپلود کنم. با این کار از فارسی زبانان می خواهم با ویدیوهای کانال شما ارتباط برقرار کنند و حمایت شما برای من بسیار مهم است. سالهاست که دوستت دارم. موفق باشی عزیزم
خیلی خیلی عالی بود

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