I was oppressed for many years alchol and heroine by the Grace of God Im still here I hope one day my testimony will help someone that are battling these addictions
I missed your show Dr Dennis. Your podcast was messing up earlier. A while back I was doing security at a traffic circle on a college campus. What I saw that night proves that Portals can and have opened up in different areas around the world. It was clear then the night turned foggie. I saw a military jeep and a duce and a half show up out of nowhere. it did not come past me it came out of the fog. I heard one of the men in uniform tell the other one she saw us. Then he said it was ok because no one will believe her. I heard them say they were coming to pick something up that was running in the bushes. I could not see it but aia saw the bushes move. when the fog clear in the am. The vehicles were gone. no traces of them ever being there was seen.
Fantastic show, my friend! I always learn something new from you. Thank you! We're living in strange times, for sure.
I was oppressed for many years alchol and heroine by the Grace of God Im still here I hope one day my testimony will help someone that are battling these addictions
Sorry I missed your live Dennis another great show

The buses in Pa have wifi so tryin to keep up on what I missed and I seems I missed a good one last night my data should be on my phone any day now
Really enjoyed all the conversation last night, looking forward to wensday
I missed your show Dr Dennis. Your podcast was messing up earlier. A while back I was doing security at a traffic circle on a college campus. What I saw that night proves that Portals can and have opened up in different areas around the world. It was clear then the night turned foggie. I saw a military jeep and a duce and a half show up out of nowhere. it did not come past me it came out of the fog. I heard one of the men in uniform tell the other one she saw us. Then he said it was ok because no one will believe her. I heard them say they were coming to pick something up that was running in the bushes. I could not see it but aia saw the bushes move. when the fog clear in the am. The vehicles were gone. no traces of them ever being there was seen.
Can hardly wait tell next week