A Surprise for Liam, 22 Week Bump, & Fun at Home | Vlogmas Day 8

A Surprise for Liam, 22 Week Bump, & Fun at Home | Vlogmas Day 8
+ Polar Express Train: https://amzn.to/3ZqeFIB
+ Keurig: https://amzn.to/3XRlguE
+ The Cinnamon Bun Cafe: https://amzn.to/3NkFuZe
+ Migraine Ice Cap: https://amzn.to/3MWjp2P
+ Migraine Ice Cap: https://amzn.to/3ZwBRq7
Sony ZV-1: https://amzn.to/3EgtKkL
MacBook Air: Edit videos with iMovie
Where I Get My Music: https://bit.ly/3en21SB
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Omg Liam is so cute
Larry I wish we could share photos on here. I have an old Lionel train. Horn, light and steam. You would love it.
We have a Lionel but we haven't put it together yet! Probably a next year thing once our son is 3
it was his first Christmas gift from his great grandparents 
Sorry this is the video with the cream pjs I liked
Liam looks just like Larry!
You should put 1 drop of an essential oil in with the train steam so that it makes the living room smell slightly yummy!
Mindy, I love your Vlogs! Merry Christmas!
I have one bit of advice due to personal experience. We used to keep meds and vitamins out on our nightstands, but our little boy got into it and took a bunch of vitamins. We ended up in the ER. he was OK, but everyone there was not happy with us and we got quite the talking to about how unsafe it is. From then on all meds when locked up.
My 25 yr old son ( 2 at the time) and my cocker spaniel used to sit under the tree and play with the train. Chloe my cocker, used to chase the train and the giggles coming from my son was hilarious.
i just found your channel about a month ago and already LOVE you guys sooo very much!!!
been watching your old videos non-stop LOL
liam is sooo cute and looks sooo much like his daddy
wonder if baby girl will look more like you
i have 2 boys with my hubby who is also older than me (11 years)
and we have 2 boys together (14 & 6)
so can totally relate to an "age gap relationship"
LOVE you guys and just want to say thank you for sharing your story and moments in your life with us!!! 
Hi mindy love these vlogmas videos they keep me entertained in work the train was awesome liams face said it all
grandmas know best
i have one question through ive been using a dehumidifier in my bedrooms i was told in winter its better to use one for condensation so what does a humidifier do to the air how do you know which one you need 

Don't cut his hair,longer hair is much more soft,and cute,especially his fringe can be longer,he is too cute to have a military hairstyle
Looks like a cozy day!
Cute videos! Keep ‘em coming. Only thing it seems like Larry is camera shy. He is not popping up in the videos anymore. Maybe he is just not into it anymore! But great job Mindy!! Your an excellent mom!
I would absolute LOVE to have a Lionel electric O gauge Hogwarts Express. I just can't do $500
We do have a plastic Lionel Hogwarts Express. We've had it, I believe 5 years now and it's still going strong. It has the sound and voices too. My 8yo is absolutely obsessed with it. It was only $25 at Aldi. Lol
I LOVE castle Noel! I’m from Columbus (don’t live there anymore but lived there for 25 years) and I love all the festive activities that Ohio had to offer! The Christmas story house is a great one too, so much fun!
So excited for Liam , his first Choooo Choo
Omg my heart melted when I saw Liam smiling at the train. He’s too adorable. I feel like he looks a lot like his nana he’s so handsome.
Not sure what I’ve missed but I thought you were not going to show Liam?
Your tree in the living room is gorgeous.
You forgot to link the humidifier
We have the same Polar Express train set!!! It’s amazing. We ordered more track from Lionel and it goes all around our living room!!!
Best vlogmas's ever!!!
Good morning
We have a train for our tree as well ' brings so much joy and the littles eyes just light up when it's on. Liam's little laugh is so precious 
Oh the wonder of Christmas!
It’s so magical watching it through the eyes of a child. That train is so cool, and Larry’s lesson was informative. Hopefully you feel better soon. 

Don not use wintergreen oil in the diffuser, it is especially dangerous after week 20 of the pregnancy, check it online before using any oils
Love the train, I had a train set when I was young, a little older than Liam but loved my trains for years. The Polar Express is a magical movie, can totally understand why Liam loves it even if his favourite word at present is No!
You may want to get liam checked for sensory issues
I'm literally tearing up seeing the joy on Liam’s face when he saw the train

When you talked about the train set your mom brought Liam…It brought back memories of my brother's room. He loved trains & had many, my dad set up them up in his room on a large table. He loved it! Then, as an adult he worked for Amtrak for over 40 years before retiring.
Larry is very knowledgeable and it's so nice to listen to the various topics. He should do his own podcast. Love the train set it's something so special.
Hello! First things first…….thank you for your Vlogmas Videos!!!
But i wonder where is Luna?? I've just seen Lexi Kitty in the last Videos, but not Luna…..
What happened?
Thank you sooo much for the response. My Aunt loves them and I had no idea where to start. I screamed when I heard you say my name!!! Ahhhh
I got on a steam train when I was young on a journey
Awesome train!
I loved liam's dear wee face watching the train, he was fascinated. He's such sweetheart.
So pleased your feeling better Mindy.
I dont see the humidifier
I love that train set
so cute!
Merry Christmas from down under! I'm still not use to the hot summer Christmas ( I've almost been here for 8 years now). It's high 30°C/low 40°c for us. Last year, Christmas day was 46°C. I'm originally from the UK. Hotter weather definitely doesn't help to make it feel so Christmasy, though we enjoy all the pool days out. We have a 3 year old, and our daughter turns 2 years old, only 4 days before Christmas. Partner works fifo (away) and thankfully is home for Christmas this year, so we'll enjoy a quiet one for just us finally! He has almost been gone for 3 weeks now.
Hope you feel better soon, Mindy! We've been fighting a bad flu over here as well.
Enjoy watching your videos in the afternoons over here. I hope you guys have a lovely Christmas holidays!
My 11year old granddaughter sings on the polar express every year, she has just completed her 100 time she loves it. From England
So so special!
Hello beautiful family
I'd love to have that train gorgeous 

Try putting a cough drop in your tea it really helps if you get the honey lemon ones
Larry and Mindy: I have my eye on your carousel in the background in your entry way. Where did you buy yours? Thank you.
Lionel has a Hogwarts Express train as well.