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Trying to get into DayZ’s biggest underground bunker! Deerisle. 1440p Livestream!

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRunningManZ
My Twitch page: http://www.twitch.tv/therunningmanz
I am a full time streamer and stream around 5/6 days per week. Please see my Twitch page for latest schedule.

TRMZ Discord: http://discord.gg/trmz

Intro/Outro music:-
Labisch – Passion from Argofox creative commons

Accoustic version Batu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8SFY-gqi1I
Anthemic and other versions by VVILSOON: https://www.youtube.com/@vvils0on92

All other music in this vid is from:-

“TheRunningManZ” Intro/outro made by:-


Thanks for watching,


#DayZ #survival #pvp

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  1. 6:17:25 Looking at the description of wolf meat I noticed that a part has been added where it says that it could be infested with parasites, and even if cooked it still causes an infection. it could be the same with bear meat. I found the cure through multivits and tetra, but I don't know if it's the best way to cure it

  2. 5:54:34 you could hear in the guys voice how intense the moment was, Mt Manz is a veteran of being caught short geared to the brink haha this guy wa slewrning on the job, for real i am BUzzing YOU DECIDED TO DO THE DEAR ISLE QUEST again I love these high pressure moments ther eis nothing quite as exciting to watch, so much better than. A movie where ya know the good guy is gonna win🎉

  3. I would like to say that i usually watch to learn but today… eating all that bad meat and drinking dirty water while you have chlorine tabs on the basis that once your sick you can't get sick again lol. This was the worst decision making I've ever seen out of runningmanz since I've been watching

  4. Here i am again, watching the rest of the vod in my nightshift😅 loved it as you stuck in the stone …thats what you get betting on the Fu*** Bills 😂😂😂 against my CHIEFS🏈 Love you bro , greetings from Germany

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