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Witch Hunter Warband in Mordheim Old World Warhammer!

In this video I am going to go through the process of making my Witch Hunter Warband for Mordheim!

Mordheim is a game that takes place in the world of Warhammer Fantasy which is a grim perilous world of adventure!

If you want to check out some more wargaming terrain tutorials for D&D, Warhammer or Mordheim then have a look at my library of tutorial videos! And remember to always have fun! 👍💙💛💙

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▬ Chapters ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 Witch Hunter Warband Lore
1:56 Another Flagellant to the cause
2:08 Talking Head Intro
2:41 Where to get minis?
3:21 Assembling and Painting
6:45 Buying a Witch Hunter Warband for Mordheim
8:15 Final Thoughts and Glamor shots

#Wargaming #Terrain #Mordheim

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  1. Hey good people! As you might have noticed, I am starting a series of videos where I go through some of the warbands available in Mordheim! This is something I am doing to get more miniatures painted and to mix it up a bit! Please feel free to tell me what YOU thought of the video in the comments down below! Stay safe and lots of love to you all! 👍💙💛💙

  2. Hi! Im a big fan and excited to learn about Mordheim!

    I'm from the US and say FLA-gellants. fla-GELL-ants sounds like little protozoa things with whippy tails, grooving around a petri dish.

  3. I am just getting into Mordheim with my local lgs and have been loving your videos! Thanks so much for the help and info! Are you planning to do more factions/warbands in the future?

  4. I really appreciate the composition of the warband, and your willingness to mix up the miniatures. Those Hexbane Hunters have been on my wish list for a while. From the hobby perspective, what is your preferred plastic glue please?

  5. I typically go with the flə-jĕl′ənt – putting the 'juh' sound to the second, discernable syllable, with a pause between syllables. A tighter pronunciation produces a word that sounds too much like flatulent, which is a completely different sort of abuse.

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