Witch Hunter Warband in Mordheim Old World Warhammer!

In this video I am going to go through the process of making my Witch Hunter Warband for Mordheim!
Mordheim is a game that takes place in the world of Warhammer Fantasy which is a grim perilous world of adventure!
If you want to check out some more wargaming terrain tutorials for D&D, Warhammer or Mordheim then have a look at my library of tutorial videos! And remember to always have fun!
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▬ Chapters ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 Witch Hunter Warband Lore
1:56 Another Flagellant to the cause
2:08 Talking Head Intro
2:41 Where to get minis?
3:21 Assembling and Painting
6:45 Buying a Witch Hunter Warband for Mordheim
8:15 Final Thoughts and Glamor shots
#Wargaming #Terrain #Mordheim
Hey good people! As you might have noticed, I am starting a series of videos where I go through some of the warbands available in Mordheim! This is something I am doing to get more miniatures painted and to mix it up a bit! Please feel free to tell me what YOU thought of the video in the comments down below! Stay safe and lots of love to you all!

we call yhem ' Flatulent's' yes we are chidish
Hi! Im a big fan and excited to learn about Mordheim!
I'm from the US and say FLA-gellants. fla-GELL-ants sounds like little protozoa things with whippy tails, grooving around a petri dish.
Hello, I'd be really interest in how you created the cobbled bases please? Is there a tutorial video for this at all? Thanks.
On a lord dive. Found you channel and it’s outstanding work! What a fantastic theme.
I never played Mordheim before, I thought it was discontinued
I am just getting into Mordheim with my local lgs and have been loving your videos! Thanks so much for the help and info! Are you planning to do more factions/warbands in the future?
When you did your warband, did you do wysiwyg?
Because the combo of boxes is awesome, but you can't really do 3 Witch Hunters with Crossbows for example
You should do more videos about the other war bands for the game, the expansion to the game, RPG elements to the game, the video game of Mordheim.
I personally prefer calling flagellants flagellants and not flagellants because it sounds wrong
Hello leif, Thx a lot you make great video you are an inspiration. So i was a Norse explorer and with this vidéo i play witch Hunter
Ezipion have some amazing models. Very low internet presence though, which is why I'd never heard of them before.
WOW such a good choice of models
I really appreciate the composition of the warband, and your willingness to mix up the miniatures. Those Hexbane Hunters have been on my wish list for a while. From the hobby perspective, what is your preferred plastic glue please?
I typically go with the flə-jĕl′ənt – putting the 'juh' sound to the second, discernable syllable, with a pause between syllables. A tighter pronunciation produces a word that sounds too much like flatulent, which is a completely different sort of abuse.
Planning a Witch Hunter warband and I was interested in using the necromunda Cawdor gang, any suggestions for weapon swaps for them?
How did you get all of that art in the lore section? there's so much!
So can any warhammer faction be a warband in Mordheim?
Great video! At what scale did you print the warrior priests? Thanks in advance!
mind if you ask where you got the bases that match with Hebane's Hunters?