Lemon Demon – Modify FAN ANIMATION

no judging here! Tweets by aimkidblast
the song is a bonus track from VIEW-MONSTER!!
this one sure took a while!
this was my first ever animation where i actually did rough animation first and i think it paid off immensely…… though i am never doing cleanup this way ever again!
(2020 3-19 edit!!) monetized with permission from Neil!
CLEANUP (no color): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfZzYkDnjSo
ROUGH ANIMATION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EadsttZmsB8
BOARDS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ioKrwWxTUc
started 11-13-19
rough animation finished 1-30-20
cleanup finished 2-16-20
color finished 2-18-20
backgrounds finished 2-19-20
animation finished 2-19-20!!!
Q: what art program do you use?
A: TVPaint 10!
Q: what FPS do you animate at?
A: 18!
Q: what art tablet do you use?
A: XP-PEN Artist 15.6 Pro!
1:15 20 20 20 dropkick
Moment of silence for aimkids bank account after this got copywrite struck
I love thos omg
i honestly dont get it
this is littlerly how i found out about my favorate song
Ninja got a low taper fade, but it was too massive, and his head got crushed
You can get the whole package 1:53
well how are u not in pain???
oh! I get it now! all it took was a few months of hrt!
This kinda reminds of wenda from sepunki
nah tyhe subtitles
Hella cool dance time
Love this animation
I dont listen to many songs but this is one of many
0:26 Bro I love that when the first part when Howie got a steampunk smile, it’s only a modification and it’s alright, but when we saw Sally and O’mallies situation, someone interrupts him saying “it’s alright” and says it’s ok to be cool, Implying that it’s not good to stab your nose and cut your ears off.
0:38 me when i stub my toe
It's alright 2 b cool!
Do you remember the flash player music video called "the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny" lemon demon made it. do you guys remember?
This video has more views than streams that this song has on spotify
Anyone 2025
This was 5 years ago holy
It looks like the original clip, although it's not there.
i love the captions (hella of a cool dance) [wee] [choppy time] [squishy time]
gem with a wholesome trans coded ending
Bro, I feel like I listen to this one day ago and it was four years ago
Seriously someone made a gory video about that and I hate it
Edit:I was traumatised to
Modify feels like those math exams you have at school by the way it is sung
I lost a bet so…
The subtitles-
0:24 was so slay
Bro aren’t ready said “^w^” 0:05
I forgor why this was peak back then
0:36 Ronnie Mcnutt?
the captions are honestly funny when its not lyrics
It is reminding me of.Wenda
I love it cool!!
Cat is some one teaching me dog:me
1:51 Hey guys
i think it is alright