Wales Most HAUNTED Pub: The Skirrid Inn (I Was Ready But It Still SCARED Me)

We return to Wales’ most haunted pub, The Skirrid Inn for the first time in 15 months.
Skirrid Inn is the residence of several spirits and various supernatural occurrences have happened there. The inn has a reputation of being one of the scariest places in the UK that several paranormal investigators have visited it over the years to refute and prove the existence of its ghostly residents. When the formerly landlady of the inn tried to sell it, glasses went mysteriously flying in the kitchen.
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This content may be considered extremely controversial or disturbing so it should be watched at viewers own discretion.
Any activity we may capture on camera is that of real poltergeist and paranormal phenomenon that will shock you and leave you questioning what is real.
#paranormal #ouijabrothers
So Glad I found you're channel love Griff
and ste you're so funny with your banter im so scared of watching but love it you're so Genuine and love you Guys 

I enjoy the pub explores because if the walls could talk i bet there would be stories that would make the hairs on your arm stand to attention.
Just come across this video. Great investigation. Reminds me of most haunted. Your genuine. Nice work keep it up guys subbed
Weather in England??????? Aren’t you in my beautiful Wales in this video??
Great video, creepy! Love griffs singing.
not sure I’d be as brave to stay there.
Maybe these “spirits” don’t want to be viewed or treated like a “ghost “ or something for your amusement. I’d suggest approaching them more personally.
Hopefully u would be coming back here for a part 2.
I’m going to stay here before long I can’t wait I’m going with a friend of ours and my mam and dad are coming too this place has a eri feeling.
I did enjoy the video! You guys are so awesome!
I'm beginning to think I have a sadistic streak, I pmsl watching u shit yourself
I wouldn't be loffin if I was there though,code brown! 

If that’s the most hunted, than all the spirit business is just BS
Is it me or at around 5:55 is that room foggy ?
Great video but I am so gutted I have ran out of videos to watch It looks like I have watched every single video on your channel
keep up the great work can’t wait to see more x
11:40 just before steve talks wih headphones in did the rempod go off??
That bathroom is creepy. Eewe a lady sits and looks out the window how creepy. Was that a nuse? Love that song. Great video
@ 12:18 after he says “nothing” an orb falls in front of the bottom black picture by the door, Anyone else see it?
At 5:39 while walking through the bar, I could hear a woman’s voice but I couldn’t make out what she said. Does anyone else hear this????
The skirrid inn amazing place a bit quiet but at least u face ur fears with that air freshner haha
Sweet Jesus mother Mary Grif scared the
out of me when he flung open the door
. I don't care what anyone says I'm glad you debunk stuff. It's better than posting fake crap. I've stopped watching a couple of other people because of a dumb fake bone in a wall. You're investigations are real and you can tell you want to do the best for your viewers.
u guys!
I live roughly 5 miles from this place and never been
Are, you were expecting that spray but still jumped when it did. That made me laugh even though I have done same. Good video even if not much happened
Thanks for replaying that back. I never watched the other video. There are so Many i missed. home alone and getting freaked. My cat is acting weird. I just noticed since i bought my New cell my email says Tony..jerez…its Anna. My email is so messed UP. Great video guys.
Lots of spirits in that place…and wines and beers
Omg that statue on the stairs scared the crap out of me
Love how ye lads are so down to earth in how ye aproach things! A like and subscribe from me.100%, cheers from the netherlands bye
Why provoke the spirts. They are on their side of the veil and you are on yours. Leave them be. Maybe just maybe if you talk to them with a little more respect they may want to interact more. Show love that your greatest weapon.
Liked your video of the Haunted 14 room mansion! U guys rock.
Love the realistic honest approach to ya vids, keep up the grind
Just subbed… Really enjoy your vids… Straight honesty… Look forward to more…love and light from AZ USA

Another good investigation guys, keep them coming.
@ 15:11 An evp you didn't catch.. I doubt this is it.. but, sounds something like "sorry man"
9:32 9:40 i hear whispers
A lady get's bent over the tub.
St order of business: im in Las vegas, Nevada USA. I want to say Ste, if you ever come to town let me know please. I'd love to show you around!!! 2nd. I sure do love your videos. And YES there definately was an orb but im not sure what time. Stay safe Ste and Griff. Love you guys!
from Nevada 
At 16.40 it sounded like it was saying "help me". Love you guys. From Julie in Bloxwich
PS. Another shining example of why I love you guys. Thanks for sharing .. Take care .. And watch out for those ghosts in mirrors ..

Another great video guys love watching ur vids and the way you try to debunk everything, that’s how ya know ur a legit team. Love the singing griff and that air freshener was so much louder last time, it made me jump to
That was a quiet night but you did get some evps so that was awesome. You win some you loose some. Great investigation though guys. Keep up the great work.
to you and your families 

I'm just curious, do you see the orbs in person or do you notice them after in the video?
I like the videos where not much happens, it still interesting. You got a few tiny orbs but they could be dust or insects guess. Really enjoying your channel.
They didn't want to play tonight guys, oh well maybe next time they might be more active.
Hi Guys grate video Ste I jump when I was in a bathroom and the Air freshener went off.
looking forward to the next video
Another great video Ouija Bros. I really really enjoy all your videos in " existence " keep them coming. I don't feel you have to explain yourself to the ( know it all's ) They're opinion doesn't matter to those of us who Love you both. Cheers