GRENADES WITCHHUNTER build setup overview/basics

MORE DETAILED SETUP STUFF SOON(TM), mostly made this to have something for twitch chatbot. Also playable as other ascendancies, Deadeye/Gemling for sure, maybe even something like Titan :^)
Also I stream at if you’re into that kind of thing : ^ )
Does grenade dmg shotgun?
what venom drought is best?
really helpful thanks
with what stat those explosion scale? With fire damage? Is it good to put something like 'adds x to fire dmg' in eq? What about phys dmg?
one more thing – why dont use Crushing Judgement passive?
are you click to move or wasd?
Did the nerf hit that build hard?
Thank you for making this vid. I had no idea about the explosive shot bug reducing your damage by that much.
On one hand I want to learn as little as possible about the game so I can enjoy it at my own pace but on the other hand I knew there were going to be dumb bugs like this one so I'm glad I watched your video and learned about it here instead of after dozens of game hours.
I'm actually following this build and it's awesome.
Gem Links:
Voltaic Grenade – Lightning Infusion/Lightning Pen/Payload
Flash Grenade – Scattershot/Magnified Effect/Immolate
Gas Grenade – Inspiration/Fire Pen/Primal Armament
Flame Wall – Fortress/Persistence/Arcane Tempo
Herald of Ash
Overwhelming Prescence – Vitality/Clarity? (Couldnt tell)
Oil Grenade – Eternal Flame/Strip Away
I am also playing witchhunter and I am currently in act 2, and I really like it. I am following your tree so far, and I specced into the culling tree, but we´ll see how it goes. What are your thoughts about sorcery ward and the increased effect. It looks really interesting if you could cover your phys mitigation. Anyway, love your videos and stream. Peace.
WASD gamer!
Hey, why all the ailment nodes if you already have the boots? Or is the plan to try to ignite with the gas explosion?
Sir why no cluster grenade?
Link da build e passivas?
looks so satisfying
wow re: that explosive shot/grenade bug, im playing deadeye and have been detonating with both of those two skills on and off and my damage is so shit, i havent had enough int for flame wall yet but it seems i need to get that asap. im struggling so hard at end of act 2 it takes so many combos to kill packs of mobs despite grabbing all the dmg i can so far.
This build changed my life FeelsGoodMan.