Ouija Brothers Call out Debunkers & Caught Faking with Ghost Photo

In this Video The Big cry baby Jiff calls out Debunkers saying they cant debunk us unless they are there so you have to take our word for it. Considering they suck up to the debunking community alongside many other groups I find them hypocritical to call out a debunker who has an opinion just like anyone else and get criticised for his views. Angry Cajun has done a video recently on these 2 attention seekers who only do this for money and clicks. The Ouija Brothers who were not at all bothered retaliated with a video back which you can clearly see they are butt hurt by this gentleman’s views. Insulting this mans appearance and looks rather then just sticking to the relevant points “THE PARANORMAL” sending over there toxic community to insult Angry Cajun.
In the thumbnail you will see a photo The Ouija Brothers sent to the press saying its the ghost of Jiffs grandad. This is clearly Paradolia and is fake this has been sent to all debunking channels and not one of them have reviewed this Hmmm wonder why?? Yet in many videos debunkers have called other teams out for Paradolia and branded them fake for the same thing. The Ouija Brothers have surrounded themselves with some of the fakest teams in the UK to name a few, PXTV, PROVING DEMONS , DARK ARTS TV, EXPLORING WITH DANNY, only last year Tom Buckmaster from HAUNTED FINDERS who has been known as a fake for decades yet The Ouija Brothers still worked with them why because its all about the views and subs collabs help grow channels #facts “BEARDO” recently did a video on Haunted Finders to quote his opinion “he thought they were fake” BUT remember as Jiff says in the video you “wasnt’ there so how can you debunk it”? This now highlights that the debunking community is pointless, causing toxicity in the paranormal community as its not done out of the love of the paranormal its done from a place of ego, money and another youtuber desperate to make it. All debunking channels are now classed as fake as it shows by not calling this shobby photo out for what it is. More videos are to come on this channel of The Ouija Brothers and the groups belonging to this cult. For all you keyboard warriors who think this is a ghost well it says a lot about your outlook. Its a quote The Ouija Brothers use a lot “we don’t capture nothing” then is this nothing and have you lied to the media? We also have other captures we will be highlighting some that The Ouija Brothers have even deleted wonder why? Hmmm The Ouija brothers stated they don’t try to get videos taken down we have proof this is not true, again will be highlighting this as they will probably try to get this removed but this is going to be posted on as many social media platforms as possible. I don’t like bullies and by sending over your followers you have stirred something up now. There are many good paranormal teams out there that capture good evidence but are not Youtube fame seekers. Enjoy the show.