Indigo & the Sirens – Witch Hunter (Lyric Video)

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Music video by Indigo & the Sirens performing Witch Hunter. (C) 2017 Indigo & the Sirens
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Himperium de Merlin movie from Hollywood. MRR.
Himperium de Merlin movie from Hollywood. MRR.
Essa música define minha vida amorosa
your voice is art
I feel late too discover this amazing song. This song I found during a really dark period of my life. Keep up the great work you are truly talented, I hope my band can be this good.
Fazem 4 anos, e eu venho ouvir praticamente todos os dias, religiosamente.
This song is so underrated. I love the voice.
Aqui estou de novo, sempre ouvindo esse hino
sem dúvidas a maior música
Oh I've been listening to this song for years and I had no idea it was that underrated. "A fish and a bird may fall in love but where could they build their nest?" my fav part
Minha música favorita, desde a época que lançou!
Amo demais essa música
I found you while searching about Aradia. She blessed me with your songs.
The feelings this song aroused in me are very special. It reminds me again of what I lost. It feels like I am a young and innocent girl in a completely different life, falling in love with black magic. I sacrifice what I have in order to be with it. My family, my friends, my life… I am starting a new life now. There is a kingdom we have, a literary but dead life.
Eu amo essa música! Uma das melhores músicas que já ouvi e uma das minhas favoritas

Isso é simplesmente incrível!!! Uma música, não! Uma deusa em forma de belas e excepcionais palavras formando uma canção que reflete a história maravilhosa desse protagonista e sua amada em um amor impossível de ser compreendido!!!
How can anyone dislikes this…
Grande mi piace
Essa música não tem pra ninguém
What happens when the big bad wolf falls in love with the little lamb?
A fish and bird may fall in love
But where could they build their nest?
Do you really think we could make it right?
Giving birth to a storm each time your eyes meet mine
And I remember you praying on your knees
In the old church yard under the falling leaves
I was looking through the willow trees
I moved steps in order to reach you but heavy chains wrapped 'round my feet
Take my evil heart, I offer it to you
Watch it beating while my skin turns blue
Make sure it'll be safe once your silver bullet hit my head
One last sip from the Devil's cup then rest your head on my empty chest
We invoke thee, Queen of queens
A-ra-d-ia A-ra-d-ia
Come to us in all our dreams
A-ra-d-ia A-ra-d-ia
But baby you can't love a beast without getting hurt
Wolves need to run free
God knows that I tried to keep it captive
There are so many wounds to heal and love is the medicine
Take my evil heart, I offer it to you
Watch it beating while my skin turns blue
Make sure it'll be safe once your silver bullet hit my head
One last sip from the Devil's cup then rest your head on my empty chest
We invoke thee, Queen of queens
A-ra-d-ia A-ra-d-ia
Come to us in all our dreams
A-ra-d-ia A-ra-d-ia
Those blue veins all over my face
They look like mountain streams
Those rifts on my heart
They serve to let the light in
One day winter will come with the force of an army
It'll turn me into a fawn
Time is our worst enemy
I saw the song on Facebook and I really liked it
There are a lot of songs that I listen to a lot on my cell phone, but few enter my favorite music playlist, this song goes into that playlist the first time I listened. Congratulations for the work in composing this wonderful song with dark lyrics.
Desde hace tiempo que llevo escuchando esto y aun sigo pensando que esta canción es lo mejor de lo mejor.
Hello, im from Brazil and i have to say, thats a nice music you created, it gives a intense feeling on me, thx for make this job, it really make the diference
This is gorgeous
damn they gooodd goodd
Beautiful <3
Essa música é divina
This song is so tragic and sweet ♡, I really love the fact that makes me understand a bit more my own feelings, like going with the flow and actually felt them (yes, sounds dramatic lol)… kind of funny how music can conect us with deepest parts of ourselves… Btw totally fell in love with the voice ♡♡♡
Oh my god how I wish this was the lead single so it would have an amazing video clipe
Puta musicão do caralho
Madò quanto ti adoro
I love

your music is amazing. i love it, i love it, i love it.
müziğin girişi çok iyi
Isso é tão perfeito
Precious and very strong