Brownies | Basics with Babish

Is it a thick n’ fudgy that floats your boat? Or maybe it’s a tasty cake that wets your whistle? Either way, I think we can all agree I shouldn’t do voice-overs or write video descriptions this late at night. Well I hope you at least learned something you can bring into your next batch of brownies!
“’90s Kid” and “Sweet Berry Wine” by Blue Wednesday
My first cookbook, Eat What You Watch, is available now in stores and online!
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Theme song: “Stay Tuned” by Wuh Oh
Binging With Babish Website:
Basics With Babish Website:
Guys, be smart, don't put weed in your brownies.
It doesn't work that way, you gotta make butter first.
I tried the second one and misheard him on the cocoa powder. I thought he said 1 and 1/3 cup. IT'S SO GRITTY! Would be amazing with ice cream.
Seriously? How much flour in the third recipe? Don’t just leave out a measurement in order to push people to the website I’m here for convenience.
i love the sneaky, "Even if you picked the first one, we won't judge you"

I never let mine cool more than 30 seconds

These are delicious. The only brownies I ever make now. I like to make w coconut oil instead of veg oil. Fudgy brownies of course!
I ruined that last brownie recipe got lost after you didn’t mention how much flower then with the delay on the baking powder and salt they got left out as well. Usually I find your recipes easy to follow but I’ve always been a terrible baker
My brother tried this recipe once and my fam loves them
its become a christmas staple in my household
Soft and cakey with walnuts and homemade or french vanilla ice cream
Dude has his own Comercial before his own video!
The ultimate fudgey brownie recipe is Julia Child's recipe.
Hey Babish! I'm gonna be making the third brownies for my boyfriend's birthday a few days from now, I'll let you know how they turn out
stick of butter is a US measurement – what is the grams
Are times so tough in the babish kitchen that they have to now charge for the written recipes? Give me a break!
How much Bread flour for the last recipe?
Your voice makes me sleepy
For those wandering about the last recipe and don't wanna bother with the free trial signup, it requires 1 & ½ cups of bread flour.
Cakey brownie- 0:30
Fudgy brownie- 2:54
Chewie brownie- 5:21
babish u didnt say how much bread flour
or the pan size 
I can't believe i have to now pay for this written recipe
He doesn’t say how much flour?
sorry I had to wipe drool off the monitor.
The best thing about making your own sweets, is there's not gonna be a ton of terrible ingredients in them
Hey Babish, Brownies!
…Wait, you don't frost your brownies, regardless of consistency? Frosting just makes everything better. It's like bacon, or conspicuously green butter.
You forgot the nuts!

Background music made me feel like I was waiting for my bro to pick his mvc2 team.
Thank you for this video. I am about to make a batch of my own
Huggbees could do a killer Babish impression and that's terrifying.
Ok I know this is a recipe channel as in you make it yourself but do you know where I've found the absolute best store-bought brownies ever?
Walmart. Yep. Their brownie bites are so fudgy and chewy and delicious, I've been known to eat a whole box in 2 days. They're better than the ones at Trader Joe's and even Safeway.
Walmart. Brownie. Bites. Get you some (if you're not a brownie-making type of girl, like me.)
Is there a difference between a cakey brownie and a "tray bake" as that term is used on the Great British Baking Show? I've never made a tray bake before but apparently across the pond, it's a pudding that they fancy. I am more team fudgy anyway. (parchment paper required).
4:30 vape?
The scene in Willow comes my mind when you say brownies. “I stole a baby!!! Haha!”
Last brownie best brownie by far.
Man I really oughtta watch that huh
4:30 juul on deck
When you say the word Brownies, what image does it conjure up?…. do you want me to say it?
Cut Brownies with Plastic Knife while still warm! Will cut easier!
lembas brownies
Cakey brownie lovers are yet to be found
These are words to live by
“Cakey brownies” aren’t brownies they’re incomplete cakes lol
Thinking of browning the butter in the third recipe, anyone tried this? How does it affect texture?
How much bread flour does he use for the final brownies? He never says
usually all recipes i see, people will melt butter with dark chocolate, whisk the eggs into the sugar one by one, then mix those two together. Never seen anyone do it like this.
3/10 prefer my brownies to have the texture of beef jerky
what's espresso powder did he use y'all
man litreally got scales on the table and measuring with cups
I love the video and that you include a list of everything on your website but it is a little vague for us UK peeps :L
⅓ cup cocoa powder
1 ½ tsp espresso powder
2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped
½ cup plus 2 Tbsp boiling water
4 Tbsp butter
½ cup plus 2 Tbsp vegetable oil
2 large eggs plus 2 egg yolks
1 ½ tsp vanilla extract
2 ½ cups granulated sugar
1 ¾ cup all purpose flour
like how much is half a cup? How big is the cup? Is there any where I can find the list in weight? Ounces or grams?