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We’ve NEVER SEEN A Place Like This – Real Paranormal Investigation

On this investigation, we visit The Judge’s Lodging in Powys for the first time with our good friends @GhostsOnTrent.
The building is plagued by many ghost stories and is easily one of the most atmospheric locations we have ever had the privilege of filming inside.

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00:00 The Judges Lodge
02:16 The Room Of Death
06:19 Paranormal Investigation
11:09 Paranormal Activity
18:22 Alone In The Basement
23:05 Most Haunted
28:23 Lights Out
32:00 Last Vigil
We’ve NEVER SEEN A Place Like This – Paranormal Investigation

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  1. Excellent investigation, thank you. The gas-lighting is tremendously atmospheric. I'm sorry you didn't get any responses, but you were scrupulous and patient in a way that's so rare nowadays.

    Were you able to find out whether there actually was a woman who did away with her baby in the building? I'd also be interested to know just how long prisoners were kept in "holding cells". The system was very different then and it's possible criminals were held there for weeks or months pending trial by a circuit judge.

  2. Omg, I went there last year..I was the only person in the building, apart from two people in the cafe and the woman in the shop. I was really spooked by it, as I walked around alone. Especially downstairs. Was crazy !

  3. Griff… I've often wondered also that we aren't really supposed to know or interact with the afterlife.. are they supposed to interact with us?? Sometimes i think maybe saying everyone wants to see them do something or prove they are real actually quiets there interaction. Just a thought I've had for a long time… thanks guys… this is a cool place. ✌

  4. Ouija brothers you’re videos are amazing fantastic and awesome too watch I love 💕 paranormal and ghosts and haunted places around the world 🌎 especially London uk 🇬🇧 Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 California Florida Tasmania northern Carolina ouija brothers please stay safe and be careful too 2:57 pm ps I. Love the most haunted aswell too

  5. I carnt remember who I seen this week that said why is it that we only ever get ghosts that are either a war soldier or a lady in a white dress or a Victorian style era but we never here of the gangster rapper that was stabbed to death ghost and that really got me thinking so if you do ever find said ghost please do let me no thanks and thanks for all the amazing work you guys do love your channel you deserve millions more subs then even pewdiepie your the best on YouTube by a long or as you say it a lung mile lol

  6. Very good theory! I’ve often thought that! Why don’t they talk to us??? Very frustrating. But others do let us know they’re there so maybe they have lost the ability to talk and communicate?!

  7. Your videos just get better and better .I know I keep saying it but your filming and content just blows me away. You could easily do your own TV work. I loved the building its right up my street. You and Griff are the best. I also like Ghost on Trent. They came across as honest and make interesting videos. I used to follow another team you worked with but had to unsubscride because I feel they have gone down the road of faking, and I dont buy it. Thanks for being brilliant and keeping it honest

  8. This kind of episode just proves that you won't always get interaction but it's still worth putting up for the history. The spirits may have been there and it was just one of those nights where they were having a break.

  9. Hi guys, Steve your right in the fact that Wolverhampton has only got a church and not a Cathedral but sadly even if it was a Cathedral it would not necessarily make Wolverhampton a city – it used to ! I used to live in Rochester Kent where there definitely is a Cathedral opposite the Castle and Rochester USED to be a city , but back in the 90’s Rochester became part of Medway and the new wonderful council forgot or just couldn’t be bothered to re-apply for the right to be a city and so since then it is just Rochester So just because there’s a Cathedral it’s not automatically a city😢
    Griff is like Goldilocks “ ooo this ones a bit softer, this one is way more softer” then he started on the chairs 🙈😄he’ll be testing porridge next! 😂
    Lovely place, shame the spirits didn’t want to play. Stay safe guy’s ❤

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