2-Minute Microwave Brownies! tutorial #Shorts

How to make a 2-Minute Microwave Brownie!
I’m Eloise from Fitwaffle Kitchen! I make simple recipe tutorials across my social media
My main YouTube Channel is: @Fitwaffle
Check out these Super easy 2-Minute Brownies!
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#shorts #tutorial #recipe #brownie #chocolate
What's the quickest dessert you have every made? Unwrapping a sweet does not count
Bro, I did nothing wrong. I just didn’t have caster sugar. Sweat was normal sugar and mine turned out nothing like hers after I microwaved it. It’s all gooey. It did not even cook for me. It’s a 2/10
What the hell is castor sugar? I’ve asked a few people. Nobody knows what the hell it is. Please explain Jesus Christ.
I made it.. ITS DELICIOUSSS!!!!!
This did not work at all. When it came of the microwave it was bubbling like radioactive sludge
Can you do it with Cocoa powder
This didnt work for me at all
Damn it actually works. I messed up the ingredients a bit but it looks like brownies!
Edit: this is the next day and it actually works this time. Would highly recommend
My one doesn’t come right
Can I use an oven instead of a microwave???
Oh my god.. Mine is a bit wattery and its in the oven and i think im doomeed rnnn
Ye I did it lm 10
Mine burnt

It was the best brownies ever

Melt 45 g dark chocolate and 30 g unsalted butter in a bowl (30 seconds in the microwave)
Add 35 g of castor sugar and 30 ml of milk and mix until combined
Add 70 g of flour and mix until smooth
Then add 50 g of chocolate chips into mix
Pour mix into microwave safe dish
Top with chocolate chips
Baking microwave 1 minute 30 seconds until the top is no longer wet
I just made it and they’re SO good just next time can you please put it in tablespoons thank you
I tried it. It all just spilled over. Instead of brownie it boiled & spilled over. There was puddle of brown batter in the microwave.
Hi bid sigma
I made slight changes but god it turned out perfect. If you’re second guessing yourself, go make it now
Çok güzel oldu
I tried to makeit, burnt it, ate it, burnt my tongue,cried,ate the rest of it,loved it
0:15:35 я никогда не забуду имя Майя, у меня учительница начального класса была Майя, фамилию не скажу
I got distracted by that blue knife
I love how she says “if u wish “

It is so cool I am going to make it today
The only thing I haven’t got in my kitchen: A MICROWAVE!
Tried it today, so good!

If you wish be like


This actually worked! This taste so good
Which flour
Can we use Nutella instead of dark chocolate?
I tried it and it turned out so bad
i made this and mine looked completely different i don’t know where i fucked up