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The (dark) life of an influencer

Influencers on Instagram: the biggest ‘online business’ of 2022. In this meme video, Wojak his ex-girlfriend becomes an influencer and Instagram model in order to live a financially free life. How to become an influencer? In this video you will find out the dark side of being an online celebrity.




Make sure to message me when you donate to me so I can thank you personally. I appreciate your donation a lot and will use it in the crypto battle against the Bogdanoffs.

Any feedback on my videos is welcome in the comments! I’m a new kid on the block who likes making doomer, boomer, zoomer etc. memes, and it would be epic if one day I can become as great as Bizonacci, Dustin O’daffer or MillenniaThinker. Your feedback really helps me in improving my meme animations.

Follow me:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lowbudgetstory/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lowbudgetstory
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/LowBudgetStories

Music used:
Audionautix – Monkeys
Audionautix – Sneaky Snooper
GRÄF – Money
Sad Emotional Piano Music
Myuu – Silent Turmoil

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  1. at least he is not having dick inside a pussy for money it is shameful to be greedy the onlyfans inflencers are great example of shamelful person that will do anything for money

  2. Ban pornography, ban OnlyWhores, severely limit social media and it's capacity to damage the minds, hearts, bodies, and souls of young men and women.
    The state can do this as the people's representative, and it must.

  3. Choose to serve God instead of money. Money is a currency a tool do not make it an idol or goal otherwise your greatest currency which is time will be wasted and your soul crushed.

    Matthew 11:28 – Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

  4. influencers who show their body on instragram doesn't only make a lot of views and followers, it also makes some girls jealous of their look especially those who had body dysmorphia disorder 😢…,some people compare themselves to influencers especially girls 😢

  5. I've watched a number of these now and one thing I've found really funny up to and including this one is, Wojak almost always venturing into, or having tried, crypto as a "get rich quick" scheme. With often 70/30 or 0 results.

  6. lmao, she would just start her own CPG brand and hire a smart money manager who invests her money wisely. This video is every dork's fantasy when they see someone doing well through means they could never dream of. Just because looks were a gift handed down to them doesn't mean they can't capitalize on it sustainably for a lifetime.

  7. I always think about what will happen when influencers either start to age or they slowly become irrelevant in the male gaze, the things they will have to do to become relevant every time sounds so scary to hear about.

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