Ouija Brothers and Ghosts on Trent Debunked? and a heartfelt message to the community!

So I was asked to look at some footage of my favourite Real Paranormal investigation team. and I did. I even got hold of some extra footage from the ouija brothers.
then we take a look at a video I’ve been asked about numerous times from Ghosts on Trent.
can I debunk them? is all as it seems? is there trickery? or is there legitimate reasons for what is captured?
find out today.
this video is dedicated to the memory of Wade aka Test Lefticle. you will be missed my bearded brother!
I have watched this a couple of times now and I see why my husband Loved you all so much. He absolutely loved all of you, he said on multiple occasions that he felt at home and not judged by this community because you all shared such close views on life. After seeing all of the respect shown to him by you all and reading all of the comments I understand why he spent countless hours in his shop working on what he called miniatures of the family, he made character’s of many of you and put labels with your names on them, I have also found some drawings he done of you and for you. Luckily wade was very organized with his art and I would like to send it out to you all when I can finally sort it all out.
Hey Beardo, can i play Devils advocate, not looking for an argument just an observation, when we see the unedited footage its all at i high level and we never see the floor, so you could argue somebody was keeping low. Appreciate you cant film every single thing and filming the floor would be dull as shite.
Im like you, believe in the paranormal but you need to rule everything natural out first, not calling TOB liars on this one, its just something that crept into my sceptical brain, ive been binging you for ages now, and find myself questioning more than i ever have before. Hope you get where im coming from, as i say not looking for a row.
R.I.P. Wade
I never got the chance to interact with him, but he (and his family) seems like he was a really good person. I hope his family are doing well

The door issue, if he had his camera on a tripod then it was definitely the tripod accidentally hitting it. The guy closest to it probably hit it accidentally.
But he didnt check behind the door into the bathroom or on the other side of the wall inside the bathroom…so he didn't actually prove no one was hiding in there
Hahahah. Gravity theory.. boyency and density
They sound like Ghost Theory
I want to start by saying I am so very sorry for the loss of Wade, unfortunately I wasn't following you back then, because I stupidly listened to the fake Twonks, crying about you. Then I made my own mind up, watched one of your Videos and I've been hooked since!! When I saw this thumb nail, I watched the vid holding my breath, I was like PLEASE NO!! R.I.E.P Wade. Thinking of everyone who's life you've touched

I have been a fan of the Ouija Brothers for awhile now and their one videos they kept getting an I love you over and over and they didn't believe it was paranormal but could not find the source of the sound and still said it wasn't paranormal. So I think if they wanted to fake something, they could have done it right there.
A good tribute.
When you attacked the brothers here Ouija brothers, and Ghost theory, I had had 4 different devices with different accounts and and subscribed to you on all 4 , but now I'm pulling out, your targeting the wrong people here bro, these two groups ,are a dying breed of honest paranormal investigators. Go after your jaskos, the FAM, Ben and what ever the hell his girlfriend's family's name is .peace out
o7 my brother. "blazer" 'Raises a Drink' 'Lights a Spliff'

so sorry for your loss 

Hey Wade
we havent forgot you 
Your a good bloke beardo, you put so many smiles on people's faces and make a big impact on people's lives

I'm so sorry for your loss beardo and Mrs geek, RIP SLEEP TIGHT WADE

If I would be faking stuff with a third person, I would tell them to have a go at it without me knowing any of their plans at forehand so that I would be genuinly on edge going in and genuinly startled when stuff happened.
we can get realistic for a sec, NONE of these people being debunked have ever caught anything on camera, none of the tv shows on tv catch anything, ghost hunters have been doing it for years and not ONCE have ever caught sh!t. its entertaining but its allllllll BS. not doubting people have experiences, but the whole ghost hunting portion of it is total bs.
11:14 again door doesn't open all the way flat against the wall
why doesn't the first door open all the way. it stops halfway almost like some one is behind it, next shot door is flat against the wall.
Sorry for your and your community's loss. Condoleances to his family and you all.
Ok could love love you debunker beard .

Love you thank you I love them tooooooooo.
16:01 you can also see his shadow clearly on the wall passed the door frame and his leg does not move to kick the door frame
Sorry to hear about your friend. Sounds like a great guy.
Which was the orher paranormal group that went to the same building as Ste & Griff and heard "love you"??

There could still be somebody crouching down behind the partition, he doesnt pan down.
I don't think ouija brothers are fake
I disagree, Griffs cam stays aimed high, even when he turns round the bottom of the camera view shows the top of the partition wall so someone could be ducked down or laid down behind the partition
The Ouija brothers are the best HONEST paranormal channels on here .
Beardo, do you have a link to the video of the other investigators in the Ouija Bro's building?
Such a loss
RIP WADE, may your wife and children find peace And healing
Ouija bros are 100% legit and the best paranormal channel on YouTube and when they capture something it’s magical and 100% real.
Ghost on Trent are 2nd best and stone cold 3rd. All the rest are crap fake and a waste of time.
its all fake kks….get a grip man, entertaining mom the less.
I don’t think these guys deserve the debunk at all. Do Paranormies again. Those guys suck!
I am so sorry for their loss.Words are not enough.But I feel for every one who is grieving.Much love Ronnie
Me and my boyfriend came across your channel and we love it we are from RCT Porth area

Just like to say bud both clips from the ouija brothers the cameras don’t pan down to look behind the screen they stay above it ,just my observation no malice intent
Very sad news deepest sympathy to Wades family and you Beardo on the loss of your friend

Brilliant video Beardo. Thanks for the heart felt content xx
10:58, I am not saying that there was someone hiding behind that wall, but the distance the camera guy is away from that wall is enough room for someone to hide behind. Notice on the footage Griff gives you, he does not film the floor when he aims his camera back towards where they came in the room but raises it high enough for someone to hide, if there was someone there.