THE OLD HAUNTED SCHOOL HOUSE – We Caught Something on Camera (Real Paranormal)

We weren’t prepared for what was in store for us this night as we investigate a really haunted house, we may have even caught something on camera that could very well be, real paranormal activity.
This one is not to be missed!
Get ready as we take you into the world of survival horror
Watch at your own risk!
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#paranormal #caughtontape #scary
Who's ready for part 2?
Not so impressed with this one, but hey, you can not get them all. Keep trying guys
It's a spider skin I think. They shed their skins whole!
The spiders

. Don’t come to Aus if you think those are big.
I have to say you made me nervous thinking someone was gonna show up here as well

"Oppressive" is the word guys…. couldn't help myself
'Do u think it was a spider dropping on the floor?'

Cheers for the close up of the mahoosive spider…that's me not sleeping tonight! I can deal with paranormal but spiders nooooooo thankyou

It's my first time here so I'm a little late in viewing but I like it so far. I jumped right in and right after you said 'disembodied voices' a desperate sounding guy yells "Help! HELP ME!!" at 2:16–2:18. It doesn't sound good and it's loud!
Great vids guys. I laugh so much though at your fear of all the spiders
if ever you travel to Australia for investigations, your arse will drop at the sight of ours 

This has been long over but as I watch and get into your videos the scariest thing I have seen is that spider. I would rather run into a ghost
than a spider. A phobia is a phobia. I have had seen two ghost and trust me they did not have the same effect as that spider.
I do not like that channel I think they fake all three videos Danny come on
That loud bang may have been that gnarly spider dropping to the floor!

These guys are amazing. No faking bull shit paranormal phenomena, you know the stuff, I've been scratched, oh something was thrown. Just bill shite. Well done guys. Amazing stuff.
Good video guys! Just watched this video! Love your content!
Arizona here. Playing catch up with your videos. Hope there is a part two. Bravo to you both.
Steven: 'that's one of the loudest bangs I've ever heard'.
Me: 'I can change that. Call me!'.
I'll see myself out…
Do spirits know they’re spirits? If you call out to them and use words like spirits, paranormal, device, ghost box, antennae etc, they might not know what you’re talking about ? Just a thought.
Looks great creepy spiders though
I don't blame you ste for noping out of that room .. Griff your A brave man
interesting reactions there
it's like east drive brilliant love watching you fellas
ad be more scared of the spiders
don't blame ya Steve well sounds like it's all happening now 

I want also to come and join haunted video, I want to explore and I am fond of ghost creepy videos.
I fucking hate spiders lol.
Awesome guys,if you ever come upto Scotland I would love to haunt with you.
Good work guys
Big spiders like that are the females and they kill males after mating, hi guys
I think by this time the ghosts are more scared of u guys than u of them.

21:58 that bang
My new favourite channel, love how you keep it real. This makes you stand out above the rest
What id like to see is. You boys nottalking just go there. Cill read youur kinle or something and record sound and video. Now that might net something. Ive never failed to get a deer when i just sit and wait on or by a trail
The beard suits you Ste.
garden can also be guarding
Always a great invest with you two guys x
@4:38 when he said he heard a moan well, you can definitely hear a very faint moan.

Good video guys !
glad you guys went back here to find out the truth is this house really haunted

yeahh bring part 2, excellent guys xx
Hi guys I'm new to your channel. Really enjoying the content. Like how you keep it real without the drama.Well done and keep em coming.
That was an AMAZING location, thanks guys!
Thanks That Was A Great Video Stay Safe
Well with a loud bang like that it reminded me of the live stream you did at Jason's grandparents /uncles home a few years ago
Griff’s “wooooo’s” whenever something paranormal happens, makes my soul happy